Sending/Saving Reports

This section describes the procedure for sending the following reports via e-mail or saving them to a folder.
Status Info
Device Information
Audit Log
The content of the reports is equivalent to the following.
Reports exported in the [Reports] menu
[Export Device Information] in the [Devices] menu > [Device List] page
Select the [Tasks] menu > [Task List].
Click [Create].
Select [[System] Send Report] from the list.
On the [Scheduled] tab, specify the basic information and schedule of the task.
For details on configuring the task, see the following.
Set the task operation on the [Task-Specific Settings] tab.
In [Destination], select whether to send the report via e-mail or save the report to a folder.
You can specify a local folder on the computer where the Manager is running as the folder to save the report.
In [Language], select the language of the report.
If you selected [E-Mail] in [Destination], configure the e-mail address. If you selected [Folder], specify the folder.
When Sending via E-mail
[File Type]
Select the file format of the report to attach.
Enter the subject.
Enter the e-mail address to notify. To set multiple addresses, separate them with commas or line breaks.
Select the e-mail priority.
When Saving to a Folder
[File Type]
Select the file format of the report to save.
[Destination Folder Path]
Specify the folder to save the report.
You can specify a local folder on the computer where the Manager is running.
[File Name Prefix]
Enter the starting string for the file name.
The format of the file name is "<string entered here>_<year, month, and day_hour and minute>".
Configure the report to send or save.
In [Report Type], select the report to send or save.
[Audit Log] can only be selected by a user assigned the system administrator role.
Configure the settings for the selected report.
[Display Reports]
Select the type of report.
[By Application]
Send the total results by application via e-mail.
[By Device]
Send the total results by printer via e-mail.
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices for totaling.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
Displayed when [By Device] is selected in [Display Reports].
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
Displayed when [By Device] is selected in [Display Reports].
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices for totaling.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
Select the device type for totaling.
[Total Type]
Select the type of report.
[By Device]
Displays the total results of the specified counter type for each printer.
[By Counter]
Displays the total results of each counter type for all devices.
Displays the total results of each counter type from factory shipping until the current time for each devices.
When [By Device] or [By Counter] is selected in [Total Type], select the total unit.
Each total period is indicated below.
[Daily]: 1 month
[Weekly]: 25 weeks
[Monthly]: 1 year
[Yearly]: 5 years
[Specified Period]: Specify the total period in [Period].
[Specify cutoff date]
To specify the cutoff date, select the [Specify cutoff date] check box.
Select the cutoff date in the drop-down list.
This item is displayed when [Monthly] is selected as the total unit.
If you selected [Specified Period] in [Interval], specify the start date and end date of the total period.
[Counter Name]
When [By Device] is selected in [Total Type], select the counter to display.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
Status Info
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices for totaling.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
Select the device type for totaling.
Select the total unit.
Each total period is indicated below.
[Daily]: 1 month
[Weekly]: 25 weeks
[Monthly]: 1 year
[Yearly]: 5 years
[Device Status]
Select [Warnings/Errors/Service Calls], [Errors/Service Calls], [Service Calls], [Unpowered/Unresponsive], or [Unresponsive] as the status to total.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
Device Information
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
[Product Name]
Select the product name of the devices.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
[Select Devices]
Select the target devices.
When selecting a device group or region, you can enter a string in the [Search] text box of the drop-down list to filter the candidates displayed in the drop-down list.
The region is displayed for users with multiple regions set.
[Consumable Type]
Select the consumables.
[Information Included When Sending Report]
Select the information to include in the report.
Audit Log
Select the function.
Click [Add].
You can check the information of the registered tasks by selecting the [Tasks] menu > [Task List].
For details, see the following.
You can check the status of executing or completed tasks by selecting the [Tasks] menu > [History].
It may take some time for the task to finish.
For details, see the following.