> Settings and Adjustments Using Command WorkStation 6.7 > Getting Clear Text and Lines from Your Machine

Getting Clear Text and Lines from Your Machine

If you are not satisfied with printouts because of faint, blurry, or rough edges on text and lines, check the solutions below.

Eliminating the Basic Causes

Find the answers to your questions about how to solve your problems.

Are the Letters or Lines Too Small or Too Thin?

If the letters or lines in the data you are printing are too small or too thin, the printed letters and lines may appear faint.
If possible, modify the data you are printing to enlarge the text and make the lines thicker.

Are You Using an Outline Font?

Outline fonts become thicker when they are printed, and they look different from their images on your computer screen.
If you set [1200dpi] for <Resolution>, it may reduce the thickness of fonts. For detailed procedure, see "Reducing the thickness of outline font."
If possible, print the image using a non-outline font.

Changing Print Settings for a Job with the imagePRESS Server

If printed text or lines are still faint or blurry after you follow the procedures in "Eliminating the Basic Causes," change the print settings in Command WorkStation on the imagePRESS Server. Note that if you change the following print settings, it may affect the print results, such as when printing photos. If possible, we recommend you change the settings gradually, so you can judge the effect of the changes that you make.
Printing figures, lines, and text with vivid clarity while keeping the smooth gradation of photographs
Printing figures, lines, and text with vivid clarity while keeping the smooth gradation of photographs
Reducing jagged edges on text and lines
Printing text thicker because the thin lines of Roman fonts appear faint
Reducing the thickness of outline font
Printing black text and lines clearly

Changing Settings in the [IMAGE] Tab

Double-click the job in Command WorkStation.
[Job Properties] is displayed.
Click the [IMAGE] tab → change the print settings for <Printer's halftone>, <Advanced smoothing>, <Text width adjustment>, and <Resolution>, if necessary.
Printing figures, lines, and text with vivid clarity while keeping the smooth gradation of photographs
We recommend you select [Pattern 2] or [Pattern 7] for <Printer's halftone>.
If you want to keep the gradation of figures and lines, we recommend you select [Pattern 7].
Printing text with vivid clarity while keeping the smooth gradation of photographs, figures, and lines
We recommend you select [Pattern 4] for <Printer's halftone>.
Reducing jagged edges on text and lines
We recommend you select [Level 1] or [Level 2] for <Advanced smoothing>.
To use this function, you need to specify the settings for advanced smoothing in advance. For detailed information, see "Specifying the Settings for the Printout's Finish."
If you use this function, colors of the edges on text and lines and colors of the text and lines themselves may look darker.
Printing text thicker because the thin lines of Roman fonts appear faint
We recommend you select the check box for <Text width adjustment>.
To use this function, you need to specify the thickness and font color for the target text in advance. For detailed information, see "Specifying the Settings for the Printout's Finish."
Reducing the thickness of outline font
We recommend you select [1200dpi] for <Resolution>.
In some cases, this may make lines too thin and faint because it prints text and lines exactly as they are in the data.
Click [OK].
Print a test sheet to check the sharpness of text and lines. If you are satisfied with the result, you can print the job.
Patterns for <Printer's halftone>
Specifying the Settings for the Printout's Finish

Changing Settings in the [COLOR] Tab

Double-click the job in Command WorkStation.
[Job Properties] is displayed.
Click the [COLOR] tab, and change the print settings in <Black text and graphics> according to what you are printing and how you want the printouts to appear.
Printing black text and lines clearly
We recommend you select [Pure Black On] or [Rich Black On] for <Black text and graphics>.
You can make black elements in printouts more vivid if you select [Rich Black On] rather than [Pure Black On], because [Rich Black On] produces black by adding cyan to black.
Click [OK].
Print a test sheet to check the sharpness of text and lines. If you are satisfied with the result, you can print the job.