While dragging the mouse, the Quick Printing Tool is displayed at the front if the [T] key on the keyboard is pressed, or near the mouse cursor if the [N] key on the keyboard is pressed. You can also change the assigned keys. For more information, see the following.
When you drop a folder or an Outlook message file (*.msg), the [Multiple Document Order Settings] dialog box is displayed, even if [Send one file at a time by fax without combining multiple files] is selected. In this case, proceed to step 3.
Right-click the Quick Printing Tool > [iR-ADV Desktop Quick Printing Tool Settings] > [Other] tab > [Send one file at a time by fax without combining multiple files]
If you right-click to select the document or folder, and drag and drop it to [Fax], the following menu is displayed.
[Multiple Document Order Settings]: Displays the [Multiple Document Order Settings] dialog box.
[Cancel]: Cancels sending the fax.
For details on how to set the destination address, see the following.
For more information on how to configure cover sheet settings, see the following.
If you send a fax with the IP fax function, this setting will be disabled.
Annotations added with something other than Desktop Editor may be faxed regardless of whether you select the [Insert annotations and send] check box, depending on the type of annotation.
If you dropped multiple documents to [Fax] with the [Send one file at a time by fax without combining multiple files] check box selected, the [Fax Sending Settings] dialog box is displayed for the next document. In this case, repeat steps 5 to 11.
Right-click the Quick Printing Tool > [iR-ADV Desktop Quick Printing Tool Settings] > [Other] tab > [Send one file at a time by fax without combining multiple files]
For more information on the status of fax jobs, see the following.
The [Printing] dialog box or the [Print] dialog box of the application used to create the document may be displayed. In this case, select [Desktop Document Writer] as the output printer and print.