Deleting Checked Out Documents

When a document in a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Libraryis opened, its copy is created and saved in the check out folder. A document saved in the check our folder is saved as the newest version in the original location when it is checked in or when its check out is canceled, and then it is deleted from the check out folder. However, even if you select the [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents] check box, the document may not be automatically checked in, depending on the application used to open the document. Therefore, the duplicate of the document in the check out folder may not be deleted. In this case, you should manually delete the document in the check out folder.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Shared Document Management] > [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents]
Documents saved to the check out folder are processed as follows when check in or check out is canceled.
Check in: Deleted from the check out folder and saved in the original folder as the newest version of the document
Canceling check out: Deleted from the check out folder and the document is restored to as it was before being checked out
Select the check out folder in the Navigation Pane.
The document in the check out folder is displayed in the File List View Pane.
Select (Delete) in the Toolbar.
Or, follow one of the steps described below.
Select a document in the File List View Pane, and select the [File] menu > [Delete].
Right-click and select [Delete].
A dialog box confirming to delete the selected document(s) is displayed.
You can select multiple documents.
To delete all the documents in the check out folder, select the [Shared] menu > [Empty Checkout Folder].
A document in use by another application cannot be deleted from the check out folder.
If buttons are not displayed on the Desktop Browser Toolbar, set the buttons on the Toolbar. For more information, see the following.
Click [Yes].
The selected document(s) is deleted.