Cautions and Restrictions

This section describes cautions to take when using Object Layout Editor.


Annotations and digital stamps that are added with Annotation Editor cannot be edited with Object Layout Editor.
Variable fields inserted with Variable Editor cannot be edited in Object Layout Editor. In addition, these variable field's frames are not displayed.
Because the edit area of Object Layout Editor is limited to -47 1/4 inch x 47 1/4 inch (-1200 mm x 1200 mm), you cannot show, edit, and block the portion which does not fit in this size.
Object Layout Editor is started from the Document Binder screen. Object Layout Editor cannot be started independently.
While using Object Layout Editor, you cannot return to the Document Binder screen where you launched Object Layout Editor.
If you launch Object Layout Editor from the Document Binder screen where a binder document was opened in the read-only mode, you will not able to integrate changes made in Object Layout Editor into the original binder document when you try to overwrite it because Document Binder cannot overwrite the original binder document. To integrate changes into the original binder document, save the binder document under a different name in Document Binder.
When there are a large number of objects such as exceeding 1,000 within one page in a PDF file, a significant amount of time may be taken in various edit processes in Object Layout Editor. Even though it may appear Object Layout Editor is being hung up, it will recover in a while. Since the time to recover depends on the number of objects, it may take a significantly long time.
Depending on the application used to create PDF documents, PDF files with objects that cannot be handled in Object Layout Editor may be generated. When you open such PDF documents, objects that cannot be handled are not made into blocks because the block creation process cannot be performed on them.

Editing Images and Text

When you move an object outside of the page in the Work Pane, the object will disappear. However, since you can still select the object, move back to the page to display it again.
If a font that is not installed in the computer is embedded in the selected text, a confirmation message is displayed. In this case, click [Yes]. If you click [No], the text object is deselected and you will not be able to copy, cut, or edit the text.
The maximum number of the objects that can be aligned at a single operation is 50. When more than 50 objects are selected and the submenu is selected, a message is displayed, and the process is cancelled.
When you display a document in the block edit mode, objects in the document are automatically made into a block and they are grouped depending on the process. PDF document contains group objects. Therefore, when you display it in the object edit mode, the ungrouping operation may be needed to edit objects contained in the document.
The overlapping order within the grouped object will not be changed.
Line break cannot be inserted to the text. Only one line of text can be input.
You can undo or redo the last 10 operations by selecting the [Edit] menu > [Undo]/[Redo]. After you finish the text input, this operation cannot be undone or redone.
The maximum number of text objects whose fonts can be set or modified at a single operation is 50. Each of text objects included in a group is counted as one object.
You cannot move block boundaries in the Block Edit Mode at the top edge and bottom edge of the page.
After moving a block horizontally, you cannot divide the block into left and right.
You can undo or redo the last 10 operations by selecting [Edit] > [Undo]/[Redo]. However, you cannot redo operations in the following cases.
When the edit mode is changed
When you overwrite the file
When you click [OK] in the [Specify Area Not to Edit] dialog box
When Object Layout Editor is exited
When you perform editing operations on multiple blocks/objects such as moving and deleting them, these operations are counted as one operation.
You cannot divide a block that includes only a single object. You also cannot divide a block including multiple objects if the objects are too close to each other.
Redaction editing cannot be performed on documents with digital signatures, etc. attached.
When creating or editing text boxes in the page area, you can enter up to 1,000 characters in the edit box. However, if the right edge of the edit box reaches the right edge of the page area, you cannot enter characters even if the total number of characters is less than 1,000.
When editing text boxes outside the page area, you can enter up to 1,000 characters in the edit box. However, if the right edge of the edit box reaches the right edge of the edit area, you cannot enter characters even if the total number of characters is less than 1,000.
Edit box strings are not wrapped around.
The boundaries of the area in which editing cannot be performed can only be adjusted if there are objects in the area 1/4 of the page in height from the top and bottom of the page.
Annotations and digital stamps that are added with Annotation Editor are not affected by editing operations with Object Layout Editor, and remain in their original position.
Line break codes are not made into blocks, but are handled as objects. Because of this, you can edit them in the Object Edit Mode.
If the overlapping order is changed, the overlapping order of all objects in the page are also changed, and objects that are actually overlapping may not appear to have been affected.
The following objects in the page cannot be made into a block.
(1) Objects whose bounding rectangle occupies 64% or more of the page, which are the furthest back in the overlapping order and not grouped
(2) Objects whose bounding rectangle occupies 64% or more of the page, are not grouped, and have only (1) objects in the back of the overlapping order
(3) Objects whose bounding rectangle is completely outside of the page and do not exist within the page
(4) Objects whose bounding rectangle is partially outside of the edit area
(5) Objects whose bounding rectangle straddles the upper or lower limits of the page, and which are not text objects that only contain single-byte spaces
(6) Objects in a page in which an area where editing cannot be performed is set, and whose bounding rectangle is partially inside this area

Reducing Margins in Object Layout Editor to Save Paper

You cannot move block boundaries in the Block Edit Mode at the top edge and bottom edge of the page.
When you want to reduce margins on consecutive pages, set the page range to include equal to or less than 100 pages.
The margin reduction on consecutive pages does not move blocks to blank pages.
If you perform [Collectively Reduce Margins] in Object Layout Editor, any blank pages that occur are not deleted.
When [Collectively Reduce Margins] is performed, you cannot use [Undo]/[Redo]. Additionally, once the process is started, even when you cancel it with [Cancel], you cannot use [Undo]/[Redo].

Other Cautions and Restrictions


When you delete a font from the system after launching Annotation Editor or Object Layout Editor, if you draw text using the font, a message box is displayed and the application may be forcibly exited.
The clipboard data of an object copied in Object Layout Editor can be used only in the Object Layout Editor window where you copied it. It cannot be used in another Object Layout Editor window. It will be deleted when you save changes or switch to the block edit mode.
Object Layout Editor uses Unicode information when editing text. When Unicode information cannot be retrieved, text cannot be edited.
Because the group information of imageWARE Document is lost during conversion/import, there are no groups when you start editing objects in Object Layout Editor.
In PDF documents (Searchable PDF) sent from a imageRUNNER/imageRUNNER ADVANCE device, transparent text objects generated with the OCR processing are positioned over image text. When you edit in Object Layout Editor, the positions of the transparent text objects deviate from the text objects of the visible image text. In this case, if you perform a text search, the results may not match the visible image text.
If a page only contains a scanned page image, there is no object to divide and thus blocks cannot be created. Therefore, you cannot perform block edit using Object Layout Editor.
When you reduce the margin(s) in a page that includes objects grouped between multiple layers using Object Layout Editor, change in the overlapping shapes may result in an unexpected appearance. In this case, you cannot restore the normal display even using [Undo]. Objects grouped between multiple layers are not created in Object Layout Editor, but they may be created during export to a PDF document in Document Binder. They also may be created by another application.
When editing text in Object Layout Editor, you cannot configure 1-byte fonts in 2-byte character strings.