Selecting Chapters

You can select chapters on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window displayed in the Print Mode.
Displaying Chapters
Selecting a Single Chapter
Selecting Multiple Non-Consecutive Chapters
Selecting Multiple Consecutive Chapters
Selecting All Chapters

Displaying Chapters

The chapters are displayed on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.
Display the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.
Chapters are displayed.
If the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window is not displayed, see the following.

Selecting a Single Chapter

Select a chapter.
Click (Chapter) for the target chapter on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.

Selecting Multiple Non-Consecutive Chapters

Select multiple non-consecutive chapters.
Click (Chapter) for the first chapter on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.
Click  (Chapter) for the other chapters on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window while holding down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.

Selecting Multiple Consecutive Chapters

Select multiple consecutive chapters.
Click (Chapter) for the first chapter to select on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.
Click  (Chapter) for the last chapter to select on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window while holding down the [Shift] key on the keyboard.

Selecting All Chapters

Select all chapters.
Click (Document) on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.