E-mail Settings

This section describes how to specify e-mail settings.
For instructions on how to send e-mail, see "Scanning Fundamentals (E-mail)."

Entering the Subject/Body

Enter the e-mail subject and body.
<Subject: >
Enter the e-mail subject.
<Body: >
Enter the body of the e-mail.

Enter the "Reply to."

Enter the "Reply to."
The "Reply to" is not specified.
<Address Book>
Specify the "Reply to."
Specifying the "Reply to"
Press [] or [] to search for your destination.
Select <All> to display all destinations.
Select the destination using [] or [] and press [OK].

Setting Priority

Set the priority of the e-mail.
The e-mail is sent with low priority.
The e-mail is sent with standard priority.
The e-mail is sent with high priority.