Setting Item
Setting Value
[Configuration Page]
Prints the capacity of the built-in memory (RAM) or the contents specified in the common [Setup] menu. You can select this item regardless of the setting for the print mode.
[Network Status Print]
Prints the version number and the settings of the print server equipped with this printer.
[PCL Utility]
[Fonts List]
A list of the fonts that can be used in the PCL mode is printed.
[PS Utility]
[Configuration Page], [Fonts List]
[Configuration Page]
Prints the content specified in the [PS] options. [Fonts List]
A list of the fonts that can be used in the PS mode is printed. |
[A4], [LTR]
The printer cleans the fixing roller by printing a cleaning page.
[Extension Card List]*
Prints the version, settings, etc. of the expansion interface board installed in the expansion slot of the printer. This item is displayed only when the interface board is installed.
[Printing Pos. Print]
The printing position adjusted in [Adj. Start Position] is printed. Check the printout results to confirm the setting for [Adj. Start Position].
[Page Count List]
Prints the number of printed surfaces on a departmental basis.
[Counter Report]
You can print the report if you want to check the number of the printed pages.
[Serial Number]
(Display only)
Displays the serial number of the printer.
[Paper Information], [Cartridge], [Remaining Toner]
[Paper Information]
Displays information about the loaded paper such as size, type, and remaining amount for each paper source. [Cartridge]
Displays the model numbers of the toner cartridges of each color. [Remaining Toner]
Displays the amount of toner remaining in the cartridge. You can use this item to estimate when the toner cartridge will need to be replaced. |