The Options in the [CA Certificate] Page
You can display the [CA Certificate] page that allows you to specify the CA certificate to be used for performing encrypted communication by clicking [Change] in [CA Certificate] in the [Information] page.
[Issue Destination]/[Issuer]/[Expiration Date]:
Displays information about the CA certificate.
Clicking the icon displays detailed information about the CA certificate. You can verify the certificate by clicking [Certificate Verification] in the [Certificate Details] page.
Erases information about the CA certificate.
[File Name]:
Displays the name of the installed CA certificate.
Installs the CA certificate on the printer. To install a CA certificate, enter the path of the CA certificate to be installed in [File Path] in the [Install CA Certificate] page or click [Browse], select the file, and then click [Start installation].
Registers the CA certificate. You can register only one CA certificate.
Erases the CA certificate installed on the printer.