Configuring the Protocol Settings

This section describes the procedure for specifying the settings using the Remote UI.
In the Remote UI, you can specify the settings by accessing the printer from a Web browser via a network.
Before specifying the settings, see "Attention (Protocol Settings)."
When specifying the settings using software other than the Remote UI
You can also specify the settings using the following software.
You can specify the settings by accessing the FTP server of the printer using Command Prompt.
You can specify the settings using the Canon software, NetSpot Device Installer, in the supplied CD-ROM.
If you want to configure the settings such as the DNS server settings, use the Remote UI or FTP Client.
The specifiable options vary depending on the software. See "Network Setting Items" and use software appropriate to the network environment you are using or options that you want to specify.
Start the Remote UI, and then log in as Administrator.
Select [Network] from the [Device Manager] menu.
Click [Change] under [TCP/IP].
Configure the protocol settings.

IP Address Settings

[Use DHCP]
Select whether to set the IP address using DHCP.
[Use RARP]
Select whether to set the IP address using RARP.
Select whether to set the IP address using BOOTP.
[IP Address]
Enter the IP address of the printer.
[Subnet Mask]
Enter the subnet mask that is being used on the TCP/IP network.
[Gateway Address]
Enter the gateway address that is being used on the TCP/IP network.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

DNS Settings

[Primary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
[Secondary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
[DNS Host Name]
Enter the host name to be added to the DNS server. Up to 47 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[DNS Domain Name]
Enter the name of the domain to which the printer belongs. Up to 47 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Input Example: ""
[DNS Dynamic Update]
If you want to use the DNS Dynamic Update function, set the option to [On].
If you do not want to use the DNS Dynamic Update function, set the option to [Off].
By specifying [DNS Host Name] and [DNS Domain Name] in LPR using DNS Dynamic Update, you can use the printer without fixing the IP address of the printer.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

WINS Settings

If you want to use WINS Resolution
Set [WINS Resolution] to [On].
Enter the IP address of the WINS server in [WINS Server Address].
If you are using DHCP to set the IP address, and when an IP address for the WINS server is obtained from the DHCP server, the obtained IP address overwrites the entered IP address.
Enter [Scope ID] as needed when using WINS.
Up to 63 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
A scope ID is an identifier to specify the communication range of the printer and computer. The computer browses the scope ID regardless of the name resolution settings by WINS.
If you have not yet specified a scope ID on the computers in your network environment, leave the [Scope ID] field blank.
Registering the printer on the WINS server
You need to configure the SMB server.
Specify the following options.
[SMB Server Name]
[SMB Workgroup Name]
If you do not want to use WINS Resolution
Set [WINS Resolution] to [Off].
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

ARP/PING Settings

Select whether to use the ARP/PING function.
When [ARP/PING] is set to [Off]
You cannot set the IP address using the ARP/PING command.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

FTP Settings

[FTP Print]
Select whether to use FTP printing.
[FTP Print User Name]
Enter the user name to log in to the FTP server. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
You cannot specify "root."
[FTP Print Password]
Enter the password to log in to the FTP server. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[FTP Settings]
Select whether to perform the settings using FTP Client.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

LPD Settings

[LPD Print]
Select whether to use LPD printing.
[Print LPD Banner Page]
Select whether to print the banner page.
Printing the banner page is specified for each print job.
If [Print LPD Banner Page] is set to [On], the banner page is printed when performing a job that is specified to print the banner page. The banner page is not printed when performing a job that is specified not to print the banner page.
If [Print LPD Banner Page] is set to [Off], the banner page is always not printed regardless of the banner page print setting for the jobs.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

RAW Settings

Normally, you do not need to change the settings for this option.
[RAW Print]
Select whether to use RAW printing.
[Bidirectional Communication]
Select whether to perform bi-directional communication.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

IPP/IPPS Settings

If you want to use IPP/IPPS printing
Set [IPP Print] to [On].
When [IPP Print] is set to [On], [HTTP] is set to [On] automatically.
Specify the setting for [SSL].
If you want to use IPPS (encryption of IPP data by SSL), set [SSL] to [On].
IPPS can be used only when the SSL encrypted communication function is enabled.
Even if a key and its certificate have been created, you cannot set [SSL] to [On] when the key is not registered as the default key. For details on the SSL encrypted communication function and the procedure for registering a key, see "Setting "a Key and Its Certificate" to Be Used for the SSL Encrypted Communication Function."
If you do not want to use IPPS (encryption of IPP data by SSL), set [SSL] to [Off].
Specify the setting for [IPP Authentication].
Set [IPP Authentication] to [On] when using the IPP authentication function.
Set [IPP Authentication] to [Off] when not using the IPP authentication function.
If you set [IPP Authentication] to [On], specify the following options.
[IPP User Name]: Enter the user name to be used for the IPP authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[IPP Password]: Enter the password to be used for the IPP authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
If you do not want to use IPP/IPPS printing
Set [IPP Print] to [Off].
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

WSD Settings

[WSD Print]
Select whether to use WSD printing. WSD printing does not support IP v. 6.
[WSD Browsing]
Select whether to obtain printer information using WSD.
If you set [WSD Print] to [On], [WSD Browsing] is fixed at [On]. You can set [WSD Browsing] to [Off] only if [WSD Print] is set to [Off].
[Multicast Discovery]
Select whether the printer responds to requests from multicast discovery.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

HTTP Settings

Specify whether to use the HTTP function.
If [HTTP] is set to [Off]
When [HTTP] is set to [Off], the following options are specified automatically.
[IPP Print]
[Remote UI]*
Can be specified only by the printer's control panel or FTP Client
Consult your network administrator before specifying [Off].
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

Proxy Settings

If you want to use the proxy function
Set [Proxy] to [On].
Enter the proxy server address to be used for the proxy function in [HTTP Proxy Server Address].
Enter the port number of the proxy server to be used for the proxy function in [HTTP Proxy Server Port Number]. You can specify between [0] and [99999].
Specify [Use Proxy within the Same Domain].
If you want to use the proxy function also for the same domain, set [Use Proxy within the Same Domain] to [On].
If you do not want to use the proxy function for the same domain, set [Use Proxy within the Same Domain] to [Off].
Specify [Proxy Authentication].
Set [Proxy Authentication] to [On] when using the proxy authentication function.
Set [Proxy Authentication] to [Off] when not using the proxy authentication function.
If you specified [Proxy Authentication] to [On], specify the following options.
[User Name]: Enter the user name to be used for the proxy authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[Password]: Enter the password to be used for the proxy authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
If you do not want to use the proxy function
Set [Proxy] to [Off].
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

Multicast Discovery Settings

[Response to Multicast Discovery]
Select whether the printer responds to searches that use the multicast discovery function.
[Scope Name]
Enter the scope name to be used when searching for certain devices from utility software, such as NetSpot Device Installer, by multicast. Up to 32 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.

SNTP Settings

When obtaining the time using the SNTP Client function
Set [SNTP] to [On].
Specify the setting for [NTP Server Name].
Enter the server name of the NTP server in [NTP Server Name] when the settings for DNS are specified.
Enter the IP address of the NTP server in [NTP Server Name] when the settings for DNS are not specified.
Specify the time interval to query the NTP server about time between in [Polling Interval]. You can specify between [1] and [48] (hours).
When not obtaining the time using the SNTP Client function
Set [SNTP] to [Off].
Proceed to Step 5 if you do not specify the settings for the other options.
Click [OK].
Perform a hard reset or restart the printer.
After performing a hard reset or restarting the printer, the settings are effective.
To perform a hard reset
You can perform a hard reset using the following procedure.
Select [Status] from the [Device Manager] menu.
Click [Device Control].
Select [Hard Reset], then click [Execute].