Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-mail/Shared Folder/File Server)

You can register up to 18 combinations of destinations and scan settings. A scan that is always sent to the same destinations with the same settings can be conveniently registered as a frequently used setting.
<Scan>  <E-Mail> or <File>  Specify destinations  Specify settings <Favorite Settings>  <Register>  <OK>  <Settings 1> to <Settings 18>  <Apply>  <Yes>  <OK>

<Settings 1> to <Settings 18>

Register frequently used combinations of destinations and scan settings as one of the modes. To edit the settings for a mode that has already been registered, select that mode, and tap <Register/Edit>.


Configure your frequently used settings. Specifying Detailed Settings

<Change Name>

You can specify any name up to 16 characters.
If you want to delete a registered setting, tap <Scan>  <Favorite Settings>  <Edit/Delete>  <Delete> tap settings to edit  <Yes>.
If you want to use a registered setting, tap <Scan>  <Favorite Settings>  tap the setting.
Registered settings are saved even when the machine is turned OFF.
You can change the detailed settings of a frequently used setting as needed after selecting it.