Setting Application Authentication Information

To perform an operation from an application that does not require to be operated from the machine, you must specify the settings for application authentication information in advance.
If you change the login application, confirm the authentication information. It may be necessary to re-enter the authentication information.

Click [MEAP Application Management].
Click the name of the application to set authentication information for.
Click [Authentication Information Settings].
Enter the authentication information.
If User Authentication is set as the login service:
If DepartmentID Authentication (Department ID Management) is set as the login service:
If User Authentication is set as the login service:
Enter the user name and password → select the login destination.
If DepartmentID Authentication (Department ID Management) is set as the login service:
Enter the Department ID and PIN.
Click [Update].
The message <Authentication information has been set. Department ID: <ID>> appears if the authentication information is set successfully. If an error occurs when setting the authentication information, an error message appears.
You can click [Delete] to delete the authentication information settings.