Authentication Settings for Device Information Distribution

To distribute device information to a client machine in which user authentication management is being used, it is necessary to register authentication information on the host machine.
The user information already registered on the client machines must be registered on the host machine. However, the information to register on the host machine may differ according to the user authentication system set on the client machine.
If the Server Authentication (Active Directory) of SSO-H is used on the client machine:
Register Active Directory and NTLM (NT LAN Manager) authentication information on the host machine.
If Local Device Authentication is used on the client machine:
Register the authentication information for Local Device Authentication on the host machine.
If Server Authentication (Active Directory) + Local Device Authentication is used on the client machine:
The host machine performs either NTLM authentication or Local Device Authentication. If the login destination is set on the host machine, the host machine performs NTLM authentication.
For details on SSO-H, see the manuals for the machine to link to with Device Information Distribution.

Registering Authentication Information on the Host Machine

Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Management Settings] → [Device Management] → [Device Information Distribution Settings].
Press [Set MEAP Authentication] in <Transmitting Settings> → specify the following settings → press [OK].
[User Name]: Press [User Name] → enter the user name registered on the client machine → press [OK].
[Password]: Press [Password] → enter the password for the user you specified → press [OK]. Press [Confirm] → enter the same number to confirm the PIN → press [OK].
[Login Destination]: Press [Login Destination] → enter the server name → press [OK]. If [Login Destination] is left blank when Server Authentication + Local Device Authentication is used on the client machine, authentication is performed with Local Device Authentication information.
If Local Device Authentication is used for SSO-H on the client machine, you can only use ASCII characters for the password.
Press [OK].

Enabling Authentication for Reception on the Client Machine

Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Management Settings] → [Device Management] → [Device Information Distribution Settings].
Press [Use MEAP Auth. When Receive] in <Receiving Settings> → [On] → [OK].
If the host machine does not support user authentication management, set [Use MEAP Auth. When Receive] to 'Off'.