Viewing the Page Counter Value

You can check the total number of pages that the machine has printed by viewing the page counter in the Printer Status Window.
Select the machine by clicking in the system tray.
Select [Options]  [Counter Information].
Numbers of total printed pages are displayed.
[Total Printed Pages]
Displays the total number of pages so far printed.
[B&W S Print Pages]
Of the total number of pages so far printed, displays the number of pages printed on paper with a length 364 mm (B4 size) or less such as A4 or Letter size paper.
[B&W L Print Pages]
Of the total number of pages so far printed, displays the number of pages printed on paper with a length greater than 364 mm (B4 size) such as A3 or Ledger size paper.
[Number of 2-sided Printing Sheets]
Displays the total number of sheets printed in 2-sided printing mode.
Checking from the Remote UI
You can check the total number of printed pages in the [Check Counter] page of the Remote UI. Viewing the Page Counter Value