The time at the Greenwich Observatory in England is called GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
Time Zone:
The standard time zones of the world are expressed globally in terms of the difference in hours (up to 12 hours) from GMT (0 hours). A time zone is a region throughout which this time difference is the same.
Daylight Saving Time:
In some countries, time is advanced throughout the summer season. The period in which this is applied is called "Daylight Saving Time."
May 6
→ 0506
7:05 a.m.
→ 0705
11:18 p.m.
→ 2318
If you make a mistake when entering values, press
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If you set Daylight Saving Time, the machine automatically sets the standard time of the machine one hour forward at the specified date and time.
On the Settings/Registration screen, you can also specify to automatically synchronize the date and time with a server on the network using SNTP. (See "Settings Common to TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6.")