It is necessary to set SSO-H as the login service.
When using the Local Device Authentication System of SSO-H, make sure to edit the user information of the administrator immediately after starting to use it, in order to prevent unauthorized use. (See "Registering/Editing User Data for Local Device Authentication.")
If you are logging in as the administrator for the Local Device Authentication and the user name and password is still the default setting, the screen to change the password appears when you click [Log In]. Change the password to increase the security.
The default user name for the administrator for the Local Device Authentication is 'Administrator' and the default password is 'password' (case sensitive).
To log in from the Remote UI Portal, set [Remote UI] in [Management Settings] (Settings/Registration) to 'On'. (See "Before You Start the Remote UI.")
IP address or host name is case sensitive.
If you entered <http://<IP address or host name of the machine>:8000/sso/>, you can display the [Management Application] page without performing step 4 (without displaying the Remote UI screen).
If you are logged in as the Administrator, make sure you log out before closing the management applications. If you close the Web browser without logging out, management applications cannot be used for a while, even if you log in again as the Administrator.
Do not use the browser's [Back]. If you use [Back] to change pages, SSO-H may not operate correctly.
The default user authentication system is 'Domain Authentication + Local Device Authentication'. For information on setting the user authentication system, see "Setting the User Authentication System."