Icon (Job Status)
Paused/Need Paper
Secured Print *1
Encrypted Secured Print *2
Icon (Job Type)
Copy Job
Print Job
Send/Fax Job
Mail Box Job
Network Job
Memory Media Job
Report Print Job
The most recent 100 copy or print jobs, and a total of the most recent 100 send and receive jobs are displayed in the log.
If you set [Display Log] to 'Off' in [Management Settings] (Settings/Registration), the job log for each screen is not displayed.
If Department ID Management or a login service (such as SSO-H) is set and Display Job Status Before Authentication is set to 'Off', operations other than displaying the Device Status screen cannot be performed even when you press (Status Monitor/Cancel) unless you have logged in to the machine. (See "Setting the Control Panel Display.")
Many of the check/change operations can also be performed from the Remote UI. (See "Job Management.")
The status bars on the keys for selecting a job type, flash in blue or orange to indicate the status of jobs. The status bars flash blue when there are current jobs that are being processed, and maintain a steady blue light when there are jobs in the print queue. Flashing orange status bars indicate errors. For instructions on resolving errors, see the Basic Operation Guide.
The Fax function is available only if the optional product is installed. If you are using the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C2020, depending on the region, the Scan and Send, the Scan and Store (Network), and the Access Stored Files (Network) functions are available only if the optional product is installed. For information on the optional product required to use this function, see "Optional Products Required for Each Function."