Functions Not Available from Applications

The following functions cannot be set from the print settings dialog box displayed from applications.
Use the driver UI or the command line to set these functions.
Creep (displacement) adjustment
Trim width
Print starting position (front/back, long edge/short edge)
Offset number
Secure print settings in output method
Store destination settings in output method
Department ID Management
Stack Details (Number of Copies)
Department ID Management, with black and white printing specified
User Authentication
*1: Can be set from applications that accept command line input (example: Adobe Reader 7.x)
*2: Can be set by starting the supplied cnjatool or driver UI from the command line with user privileges
*3: Can be set from the command line using the supplied cnjatool
If you want to use the above functions to perform printing from an application, output to a PostScript file and then print that PostScript file from the driver UI. (See "Outputting PostScript Files from an Application.")