Device Settings - Output Method

You can switch the method for outputting print data.
When data is saved to the printer, it can be operated from the control panel of the printer or the Remote UI.


cnjatool2 {-ps | -xs} <printer name>
lpr <file path>
-o CNJobExecMode={print | hold | secured [-o CNUseCSModeSecured={Mode1 | Mode2}] | store [-o CNMailBox=<Inbox Number>]}
-o CNDocName=<Document Name>
-o CNUsrName=<User Name>


Enables you to set the user name and PIN when using the secure print function.
Press the [Enter] key after entering each item.
Deletes the user name and PIN for the secure print function.
You can set the user name and PIN for the secure print function in the [Device Settings] sheet of the driver settings screen.
If you print specifying the secure print function and user authentication function at the same time, the user name set for the user authentication function will be used.
Specifies the method for outputting print data.
print: Performs normal printing.
hold: Saves to the hold queue (temporary storage area) of the printer.
secured: Uses the secure print function to save the data to the printer with a PIN set. To specify the authentication method supported by printer, use the CNUseCSModeSecured option. (Mode1: Encryption not supported, Mode2: Encryption supported)
store: Saves to a box of the printer. To specify the box number, use the CNMailBox option. (default: 0)
CNDocName / CNUsrName
Specifies the document name or user name displayed in the printer using 32 bytes or less.
If you print from the command line without specifying the document name or user name, the name set on the [Device Settings] sheet of the driver settings screen is applied.


To print the file "sample.txt" with the following setting:
Output Method: Secured Print
Secured Print Authentication: Mode1 (Encryption supported)
$ lpr sample.txt -o CNJobExecMode=secured -o CNUseCSModeSecured=Mode1

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