The machine cannot automatically detect the size of the originals listed below. Specify the size of these documents manually.
Nonstandard size originals
Highly transparent originals, such as transparencies
Originals with an extremely dark background
STMT, STMTR, or smaller than STMT originals that are placed on the platen glass
STMTR originals that are placed into the feeder
If a document size setting other than [Auto] is specified, the following modes cannot be used:
Different Size Originals (Scanning Different Size Originals Together (Different Size Originals))
If you place your originals into the feeder, their horizontal length (X) to the scanning direction is scanned at the actual size of your originals even if you manually specify the document size different from your originals. The vertical length (Y) to the scanning direction is scanned at the document size you specify manually.
The default setting is ‘Auto’.