"X" in the following message represents a CMYK color.
When the <Ready to print.> message is not displayed, the printing is temporarily stopped. To resume the printing, press ().
Which message is to be displayed depends on the <Warning Step> setting in the setting menu of the operation panel. Warning Step
You can set any value as the percentage of the amount remaining in the toner cartridge that triggers this message. Spec Tnr Chk Timing
You can continue printing when this message is displayed, but the print quality may deteriorate.
Receiving e-mail and fax documents will be disabled. Printing Received E-mail (E-Mail Print)
You can continue printing when this message is displayed, but the print quality may deteriorate. Doing so may result in damage to the machine.
Streaks appear
Partially faded
Uneven density
Afterimages appear in blank areas
White spots appear
The displayed amount remaining in the toner cartridge can be used only as a guide and may differ from the actual amount.
You can also check the amount with <Remaining Toner> under <Consumables Info.>. Consumables Info.