Checking Status and Log for Scanned Documents

You can check the statuses and communication logs for sent and saved documents.
When personal authentication management is used, you can restrict users from performing operations on the jobs of other users on the <Status Monitor/Cancel> screen. <Restrict Access to Other User Jobs>

Checking the Statuses for Sent/Saved Documents

Press  (Status Monitor/Cancel).
Press <Send>  <Job Status>.
Check the statuses.
Selecting a document and pressing <Details> enables you to check detailed information such as destinations and the number of pages.
Selecting a document and pressing <Cancel> enables you to cancel sending/saving.
Pressing <Print List> prints a status list of sent/saved documents displayed on the screen.
Pressing <Details>  <Resend> enables you to resend/resave the documents that failed to send/save. To specify another destination, press <Change Destination>. For documents with multiple destinations specified using the same sending/saving method, press <Broadcast List>, select a destination, and then press <Resend> or <Change Destination>.
You can resend/resave documents when <Delete Failed TX Jobs> is set to <Off>. <Delete Failed TX Jobs>
You can change the destinations of documents that are set to be sent/saved at a specified time as well as documents that failed to send/save. Note that you cannot change the destinations for documents with multiple destinations specified that are being sent/saved, or when entering a new destination is restricted (Restricting New Destinations).

Checking If Documents Are Sent or Saved Successfully

Press  (Status Monitor/Cancel).
Press <Send>  <Job Log>.
Check if documents are sent or saved successfully.
<OK> is displayed in the <Result> column when a document was sent or saved successfully. If <NG> is displayed, this shows that a document failed to be sent or saved because it was canceled or there was some error.
Selecting a job and pressing <Details> enables you to check detailed information about the job. A three-digit number in the <Error Code> column on the information represents an error code. You can check the causes and solutions for errors based on error codes. Countermeasures for Each Error Code
By pressing <Communic. Mgt. Report>, the displayed send/save log can be printed as a list.
Specifying/registering destinations from the send history
You can specify destinations and register destinations to the address book from the send history on the <Status Monitor/Cancel> screen. This saves you the effort of directly entering the address, and also helps avoid sending to an incorrect destination due to entering the wrong address.
When specifying a destination: <Status Monitor/Cancel> <Send> <Job Log> select the destination to send to <Specify as Send Destination> <OK>
When registering a destination: <Status Monitor/Cancel> <Send> <Job Log>  register the destination from the registration screen for each destination type