[Change Configuration Profile] Dialog Box

Enables you to set a configuration profile suitable to the printer you are using.
Descriptions under [Device Settings] Tab (Settings)

Descriptions of Settings

[Select Configuration Profile Suitable for Your Device Automatically]
Select this when you want to automatically set the configuration profile suitable for the printer you are using.
Set this item for normal conditions.
[Select Manually]
Select this when you want to manually set a configuration profile. When using an exported configuration profile, import it from [] (Import Configuration Profile). The configuration profiles you can set are as follows.
[Satera LBP]
[Basic Configuration]
[Anyplace Print]
If you select [Configuration Profile] → [Basic Configuration] or [Anyplace Print], select this.
The configuration profile has higher priority than the acquired device status on the [Device Settings] tab settings. If a configuration profile suitable for the printer you are using is not selected, the settings may not be displayed and none of the functions of the printer may be usable.
Files with the extension ".typ" can be imported.
You can delete imported configuration profiles with [Delete].
[Retrieve Device Information]
If you set a configuration profile manually, you can acquire the status from the printer at the same time that you set it.