Personal Library
Folders on a drive other than a hard disk or network drive of the computer that you are using
Windows folders (such as "C:\Windows")
Folders for which you do not have read, write, and delete permissions (Windows)
Folders already configured as a library
Folders in directories above or below the following libraries
Personal Libraries
DM Data Libraries
Folders with the system attribute set
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Network Library
Folders on a drive other than a hard disk or network drive of the computer that you are using
Windows folders (such as "C:\Windows")
Folders for which you do not have write permissions (Windows)
Folders already configured as a library
Folders in directories above or below the following libraries
DM Data Libraries
Folders with the system attribute set
Folder with the hidden file attribute set (however, registration is possible if the directory attribute is set)
Personal Library
\ / : * ? " < > | ,
Control codes and periods at the beginning/end
The following folder names cannot be used.
"Recycle Bin", "$Recycler.DT", "dt.iwu", "dt.iwn", "NUL", "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"
Folder names starting with the following strings cannot be used.
"NUL.", "CON.", "PRN.", "AUX.", "COM1.", "COM2.", "COM3.", "COM4.", "COM5.", "COM6.", "COM7.", "COM8.", "COM9.", "LPT1.", "LPT2.", "LPT3.", "LPT4.", "LPT5.", "LPT6.", "LPT7.", "LPT8.", "LPT9."
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Network Library
Document Server Library
"Recycle Bin" and other characters prohibited in Document Server
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Personal Library
The path to folders must be 220 characters or less, excluding "file:///".
Network Library
The path to folders must be 220 characters or less, excluding "file:".
Document Server Library
Folder names: 128 characters or less
The path to documents must be 256 characters or less, excluding the "http://hostname" or "https://hostname/" at the beginning
Personal Library
Network Library
Document Server Library
Libraries in the Advanced Box of an imageRUNNER ADVANCE Device
1,000 total of documents and folders
Personal Library
\ / : * ? " < > | ,
Control codes and periods at the end
The following document names cannot be used.
"Recycle Bin", "$Recycler.DT", "NUL", "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "Thumbs.db"
Document names starting with the following strings cannot be used.
"NUL.", "CON.", "PRN.", "AUX.", "COM1.", "COM2.", "COM3.", "COM4.", "COM5.", "COM6.", "COM7.", "COM8.", "COM9.", "LPT1.", "LPT2.", "LPT3.", "LPT4.", "LPT5.", "LPT6.", "LPT7.", "LPT8.", "LPT9."
iwu, iwn, iwx, grb, tmp, ~lock
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Network Library
Document Server Library
"Recycle Bin" and other characters prohibited in Document Server
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Personal Library
The path to folders must be 220 characters or less, excluding "file:///".
Network Library
The path to folders must be 220 characters or less, excluding "file:".
Document Server Library
128 characters or less
Personal Library
Same as the restrictions of the file system
Network Library
Document Server Library
300 MB
Personal Library
Not required
Network Library
Required (when authentication is required)
Document Server Library
Required (when not yet connected)
Personal Library
Folders registered as a Personal Library/Network Library by another user can be used by changing the owner information.
Network Library
Document Server Library
Edit permissions or higher are required for the following operations.
Creating shortcuts
Copying/duplicating folders
Moving folders
Creating a Folder
Copying/duplicating documents
Moving Documents
Deleting documents
Document Server Library
May be required, depending on the settings.