[Advanced Settings] Dialog Box ([Quality] Tab)

Enables you to configure detailed print quality settings. Select an item in the [Setting Item] list, then select a setting from the drop-down list.
Click one of the following links to jump to the description.
Descriptions under [Quality] Tab (Settings)

Descriptions of Settings

[Rendering Rate]
Enables you to set the image rasterizing method for converting color documents to grayscale documents.
[1 BPP [Enhanced]]
Expresses gray gradation as halftones and prints at high speed.
[24 BPP]
Takes longer to print than [1 BPP [Enhanced]], but prints very high quality documents.
[Application Color Matching Priority]
If colors are not printed as intended, deselecting this check box enables you to perform matching processing at the driver or device.
[Use Printer Fonts]
Enables you to use the TrueType fonts that reside within the printer. Because the TrueType fonts are not downloaded with each print job, this results in higher printer performance.
[TrueType Mode]
Enables you to set the method used to print TrueType fonts.
[Download as TrueType]
Sends TrueType fonts directly to the printer where they are rasterized. Select this mode if your document contains a lot of text of various sizes.
[Download as Bit Image]
Rasterizes all TrueType fonts automatically and sends them as bitmapped data to the printer. Select this mode if your document contains mostly text.
[Gray Compensation]
Enables you to reliably print gray and black data (R=G=B) in gray or black.
[Compression Processing for Data Transfer]
When compressing and transferring image data, enables you to switch between giving priority to image quality and giving priority to speed.
[Adjust Toner Volume Used for Color Printing]
By adjusting the amount of toner when printing in color, you can prevent too much toner being used and inhibit the following printing faults.
Toner spattering on dark areas of images
Afterimages of dark text or lines
Toner fixing errors in low temperature environments
Darkening when images printed on transparencies are projected
Bleed-through when copying 2-sided originals
Print with the normal amount of toner.
[Level 1]
Slightly adjusts (reduces) the amount of toner in areas of strong color when printing.
[Level 2]
Adjusts (reduces) the amount of toner overall when printing.