Sending Shortcuts by E-mail

You can create shortcuts to documents/folders registered in a library and attach them to an e-mail.
In order to send via e-mail, an e-mail account and profile must be configured in advance.
Using a [E-Mail] output button when Microsoft Outlook has never been started to attach a document to an e-mail results in an error.
You can also send documents as application files by attaching them to e-mail. For more information, see the following.
You can convert documents registered in a library to a PDF document and attach them to an e-mail. For more information, see the following.
For information on shortcuts to documents and folders, see the following.

Attaching Files with a [E-Mail] Output Button

You can use a [E-Mail] output button on the output bar to create and attach shortcuts.
To create and attach a shortcut to an e-mail, configure one of the following settings for the [E-Mail] output button.
[Attach after creating a shortcut]
[Select when attaching].
For more information on [E-Mail] output button settings, see the following.
Select a document/folder to create and attach a shortcut for in the File List View Window.
You can select more than one folder or document to create and attach multiple shortcuts.
You cannot create and attach shortcuts for sites, libraries, the Recycle Bin, or shortcuts (*.iwl/*.iwlf). You also cannot create and attach shortcuts for documents in the Recycle Bin or My Tray.
Click [E-Mail] output button.
Or, drag and drop the document/folder to [E-Mail] output button.
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed.
If the [Select when attaching] check box is selected in the [E-Mail] output button settings, a dialog box for selecting the format of the file to attach is displayed. In this case, click [Attach a Shortcut]. For more information, see the following.
You can also use one of the following methods to perform the same operation.
Click [E-Mail] output button displayed on the ribbon or toolbar
Click ▼ for a [E-Mail] output button displayed on the ribbon or toolbar, and select [Execution]
If buttons are not displayed on the ribbon or toolbar, see the following to display them.
Enter the destination e-mail address, title, and message, and send the e-mail.

Attaching with a Ribbon Command

You can use a ribbon command to create and attach shortcuts.
When using a ribbon command to create and attach shortcuts, the shortcuts are created and attached regardless of the [E-Mail] output button settings.
Select the library, folder, or document to create and attach a shortcut for.
You can select more than one folder or document to create and attach multiple shortcuts.
You cannot create and attach shortcuts for the Recycle Bin or shortcuts (*.iwl/*.iwlf). You also cannot create and attach shortcuts for documents in the Recycle Bin or My Tray.
Click [Create & Attach Shortcut] on the ribbon.
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed.
If commands are not displayed on the ribbon of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
Enter the destination e-mail address, title, and message, and send the e-mail.