How to Work with Therefore

"Therefore" is a document management system provided by Therefore Corporation.
Desktop can link with Therefore to manage the categories managed with Therefore in Desktop.
For information on how to register a Therefore Library, see the following.
Start Desktop Browser.
Select the Therefore Library from the Navigation Window.
When you select a Therefore Library for which no connection has been established, the library must be connected. For more information on connecting, see the following.
Items in the Therefore Library are displayed in the File List View Window.
Documents in a Therefore Library can be used as those in a Personal Library. However, they are different concerning the following points.
When the check out processing is enabled for the target Therefore Library, the check out processing needs to be performed in order to open a document. In addition, the check in processing needs to be performed in order to register or update a document. For more information, see the following.
When you enable the version management function for a Therefore Library, a dialog box is displayed to enter a version comment when you register or update a document in the library. For more information, see the following.
When you only browse a document in a Therefore Library, open the document in the readonly mode by selecting the document and selecting (Open Read-Only) on the ribbon or by right-clicking the document and selecting [Open Read-Only].
If commands are not displayed on the ribbon of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons. If tool buttons are not displayed of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
The following operations cannot be performed in locations in a Therefore Library unless you have edit permission or higher.
Copying/duplicating documents
Moving/Deleting Documents
You cannot create shortcuts or rename library in a Therefore Library.
If the required index of a category registered as a Therefore Library is in a data format not supported by Desktop Browser, documents cannot be saved to the Therefore Library.