Converting a Document into a PDF by Using the Simple Settings

You can convert a document saved in a library in Desktop Browser to a PDF, even if that document has been passworded, compressed, or set with OCR (Text Searchable).
This section describes the settings from the [Simple PDF] group.
Converting to a Compact PDF Document
Converting to an OCR Recognized PDF Document
Converting to a Passworded PDF Document
When converting a document into a PDF by using the advanced settings, see the following.

Converting to a Compact PDF Document

Select the documents to convert from the File List View Window.
Click [High Compression] on the ribbon.
When you select a single document, proceed to step 4.
When you select multiple documents, the [Multiple Document Order Settings] is displayed. Proceed to step 3.
Specify the document order, then click [OK].
[Convert to PDF Document] is displayed.
The document is converted to a compact PDF document and saved in the original folder.
The document is converted to a PDF document with the following settings specified.
[Convert to PDF/A-1b format]
[Fast web view]
[Do not embed fonts]
[Convert the page contents into an image]
[Execute Text Recognition (OCR)]
[Set password]

Converting to an OCR Recognized PDF Document

Select the documents to convert from the File List View Window.
Click [OCR] on the ribbon.
When you select a single document, the [OCR Settings] is displayed. proceed to step 4.
When you select multiple documents, the [Multiple Document Order Settings] is displayed. Proceed to step 3.
Specify the document order, then click [OK].
The [OCR Settings] is displayed.
Configure the advanced settings of the OCR.
[OCR Language]
Select the language to use for the OCR function from the pull-down list.
[Rotate automatically]
If this check box is selected, the vertical orientation of the document is corrected. Select this check box when the document includes both vertically and horizontallyoriented pages.
Select this check box to correct the skew of the document. Select this check box when the document is skewed.
Click [OK].
The document is converted to a PDF document recognized by OCR and saved in the original folder.
The document is converted to a PDF document with the following settings specified, except for the items set in [OCR Settings].
[Convert to PDF/A-1b format]
[Compression Settings]
[High Compression]
[Fast web view]
[Do not embed fonts]
[Convert the page contents into an image]
[Color Mode]
[300 dpi]
[Set password]

Converting to a Passworded PDF Document

Select the documents to convert from the File List View Window.
Click [Password] on the ribbon.
When you select a single document, the [PDF Document Password Settings] is displayed. proceed to step 4.
When you select multiple documents, the [Multiple Document Order Settings] is displayed. Proceed to step 3.
Specify the document order, then click [OK].
The [PDF Document Password Settings] is displayed.
Configure the password settings of the document.
[Require a password to open this document]
Select this check box to set a password for opening the document.
[Document Open Password]
Enter the password for the PDF document.
[Require a password to print or edit this document (a password will be required to change these settings)]
Select this check box to restrict printing, editing, and copying of the PDF document.
[Permissions Password to Bypass Restrictions]
Enter the password to release print and editing restrictions in the document.
Click [OK].
When a password to open the document is set, the [Confirm Document Open Password] is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 6.
When printing or editing the document is restricted, the [Confirm Permissions Password] is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 7.
Enter the same password you have entered in [Document Open Password], and click [OK].
The document is converted to a passworded PDF document and saved in the original folder.
When printing or editing the document is restricted, the [Confirm Permissions Password] is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 7.
Enter the same password you have entered in [Permissions Password to Bypass Restrictions], and click [OK].
The document is converted to a passworded PDF document and saved in the original folder.
The document is converted to a PDF document with the following settings specified.
[Convert to PDF/A-1b format]
[Compression Settings]
[High Compression]
[Fast web view]
[Do not embed fonts]
[Convert the page contents into an image]
[Execute Text Recognition (OCR)]
If you entered [PDF Document Password Settings], the following settings are used.
[Acrobat 7.0 and later]
If you selected the [Require a password to print or edit this document (a password will be required to change these settings)] check box, the following settings are used.
[Printing Allowed]
[Changes Allowed]
[Copying of Contents]