Configuring Added/Updated Document Notifications

In Document Monitor, you can configure the interval to monitor the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions, and the notification method used when there is an unread or updated document in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions. You can also configure the new document notification method for My Tray.
Configuring the Monitoring Interval for Folders/Therefore Library Search Conditions
Configuring Added/Updated Document Notifications
For more information on how to configure the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions, see the following.
For information on how to highlight documents in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions, see the following.
When a folder/Therefore Library search condition is specified as a monitoring target, it will be monitored when Document Monitor is running, even if Desktop Browser is not running, and the document notification icon will be displayed when the monitoring target folder/search results of Therefore Library search conditions has an unread or updated document.
For more information on My Tray, see the following.
The default settings of Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10 restrict icons displayed in the Taskbar notification area. See the following to display the Document Monitor icons in the Taskbar notification area.

Configuring the Monitoring Interval for Folders/Therefore Library Search Conditions

You can configure the monitoring interval for folders/Therefore Library search conditions. The default value is 10 minutes.
Display [System Settings].
For information on displaying [System Settings], see the following.
[Document Monitor] > [Monitored Folder Settings] > [Monitor specified folders]
Select the [Monitor specified folders] check box and enter the monitoring interval for folders/Therefore Library search conditions between 1 and 99 minutes in [Monitoring Interval].
The monitoring interval for the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions are configured.
Click [OK].

Configuring Added/Updated Document Notifications

You can set the notification method used when there is an unread/updated document in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions, or a document is forwarded to My Tray.
If a document has its highlighting cleared on the Desktop Browser screen, the document notification icon will not be displayed even if highlighting is set again. The document notification icon is displayed after restarting. For more information on highlighting, see the following.
Display [System Settings].
For information on displaying [System Settings], see the following.
Set the document notification method in [Document Monitor] in [System Settings].
[Display Settings]
[Icon Display Settings]
Configures the document notification icon displayed on the Taskbar.
[The task tray icon will blink for notifications of unread/modified documents]
Select this check box to display document notifications with the document notification icon on the Taskbar.
[[List of Unread/Modified Documents] Display Settings]
Enables you to specify [List of Unread/Modified Documents] display settings.
[Display thumbnails when selecting documents]
Select this check box to display thumbnails in [List of Unread/Modified Documents]. If this check box is selected, document thumbnails are displayed when the following operations are performed.
When a My Tray document is selected in [List of Unread/Modified Documents]
When the mouse pointer is placed over a document in the monitored folder/search result of a Therefore Library search condition in [List of Unread/Modified Documents]
[Always display monitored folders]
Select this check box to continue displaying the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions and My Tray in [List of Unread/Modified Documents] even when there are no unread/updated documents in the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions, or new documents in My Tray. If you deselect this check box, monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions and My Tray are removed from [List of Unread/Modified Documents] when there are no documents to notify you of.
[[List of Unread/Modified Documents] always display in front]
Select this check box to always display [List of Unread/Modified Documents] in front.
[Monitored Folder Settings]
[Monitored Folder Settings]
You can set the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions.
[Monitor specified folders]
Select this check box to monitor the folders/Therefore Library search conditions set as monitoring targets in Desktop Browser.
[Monitoring Interval]
Set the folder/Therefore Library search condition monitoring interval, from 1 to 99 minutes. For more information, see the following.
[Display [List of Unread/Modified Documents]]
Select this check box to display [List of Unread/Modified Documents] when there are unread/updated documents.
[Leave document log for monitored folders]
Select this check box to retain the log of the notifications displayed in [List of Unread/Modified Documents]
[Documents to Display]
Specify the targets that are notified by [List of Unread/Modified Documents]. Select [Unread documents only] or [Unread documents and modified documents].
[Notification Sound Settings]
Enables you to set the notification sound.
[Notify by sound for unread/modified documents in the monitored folders]
Select this check box to provide audio notification when unread/updated documents are in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions.
[Notification Sound]
Select [Use default sound] or [Change sound]. If [Change sound] is selected, the sound specified for [File Name] is set as the notification sound.
Enables you to specify the sound file.
Enables you to test the sound. Click [OK] or [Cancel] to stop the sound.
[My Tray Settings]
[My Tray Settings]
Enables you to specify My Tray monitoring settings.
[Display [List of Unread/Modified Documents] when new documents arrive]
Select this check box to display [List of Unread/Modified Documents] when there are new documents in My Tray.
[Leave document log for My Tray]
Select this check box to retain the log of the My Tray notifications displayed in [List of Unread/Modified Documents].
[Notification Sound Settings]
Enables you to set the notification sound.
[Notify by sound for new documents in My Tray]
Select this check box to provide audio notification when there are new documents in My Tray.
[Notification Sound]
Select [Use default sound] or [Change sound]. If [Change sound] is selected, the sound specified for [File Name] is set as the notification sound.
Enables you to specify the sound file.
Enables you to test the sound. Click [OK] or [Cancel] to stop the sound.
When the [Monitor specified folders] check box is deselected, the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions and documents in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions are deleted from [List of Unread/Modified Documents].
For details on the document notification icon, see the following.
For details on [List of Unread/Modified Documents], see the following.
When [Change sound] is selected, the source sound specified for [File Name] is set as the notification sound. In [File Name], you can specify the preferred wav/wave format source sound for the notification sound by clicking [Browse].
If [Change sound] is selected, confirm the following and select the file.
File path: Within 255 characters
File size: Within 10 MB
Click [OK].