Migration Preparations

Perform the following preparations before starting Data Converter Exporter.
For information on the Document Manager operations, see the manuals for Document Manager.
Stop the scheduler of Document Manager.
The operation of Data Converter Exporter is not guaranteed if the following situations occur in Document Manager or the SQL server during the export process.
The service stops.
The scheduler executes.
Confirm that you can connect to the cabinet exported with Document Manager normally.
If you have upgraded Document Manager, make sure to update the personal cabinets/shared cabinets(WG) to export.
Back up the cabinet to export.
Do not delete the original environment until you have confirmed that the exported data has been registered as a working library in Desktop.
Check whether the cabinet to export or the folders/documents stored in it are subject to any restrictions.
For information on restrictions on exporting, see the following.
If the file system of the target environment is FAT32, check the file size of each document in the cabinet in advance. The export process will fail if there is a document that is 4 GB or larger in the cabinet.
Check whether the number of documents in the cabinet exceeds the limit for a DM Data Library in Desktop (100,000 documents).
Change the cabinets/folders/documents, as necessary.
If the file size of an image document with multiple pages is too large, problems can be avoided by dividing the pages with Document Manager. For more information, see the manuals for Document Manager.
When you have made the required changes, log out from the cabinet to export.
In the Windows settings, set the computer to not enter the sleep mode.