Restricting the Fax Sending Functions

You can set various restrictions for sending faxes, which can prevent sending errors and information leakage to third parties. Administrator privileges are required in order to configure these settings.

Confirming Fax Numbers before Sending

You can require users to enter a fax number twice for confirmation before sending faxes, to prevent misdialing. This setting can also be configured with DeviceAdmin privileges.
 (Settings/Registration)  <Function Settings>  <Send>  <Fax Settings>  <Confirm Entered Fax Number>  <On>  <OK>

Restricting Fax Sending from a Computer

You can prohibit users from sending faxes from a computer (Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)). This setting can also be configured with DeviceAdmin privileges.
 (Settings/Registration)  <Function Settings>  <Send>  <Fax Settings>  <Allow Fax Driver TX>  <Off>  <OK>

Displaying a Confirmation Screen for Fax Destinations

You can set the machine to display a confirmation screen when sending to a fax destination. This can help prevent fax sending errors.
 (Settings/Registration) <Function Settings>  <Send>  <Fax Settings>  <Confirm Before Sending When Fax Dest. Included>  <On>  Select <Only for Seq. Broadcast> or <All>  <OK>   (Settings/Registration)   (Settings/Registration)  <Apply Set. Changes>  <Yes>
<Only for Seq. Broadcast> and <All> cannot be selected if sequential broadcasting is restricted (Restricting Sequential Broadcasting).
When the function for confirming the fax number before sending (Confirming Fax Numbers before Sending) is enabled, the confirmation screen is not displayed if there is only one destination.

Restricting Sequential Broadcasting

You can restrict the sequential broadcasting function, which enables users to send a fax to multiple recipients in succession.
 (Settings/Registration)  <Function Settings>  <Send>  <Fax Settings>  <Restrict Sequential Broadcast When Fax Dest. Included>  <On>  <OK>   (Settings/Registration)   (Settings/Registration)  <Apply Set. Changes>  <Yes>

Restricting Sending from Log

You can prohibit users from being able to specify a previously used destination from the log. After configuring this setting, previously used destinations cannot be selected from the log when sending faxes.
 (Settings/Registration) <Function Settings>  <Send>  <Common Settings>  <Restrict Resending from Log>  <On>  <OK>