Changing the Environment of the Computer Where This Software Is Running
This section describes the settings required when the environment of the computer where this software is running has been changed.
When the Network Environment/Firewall Settings Have Been Changed
This software is registered as an application for which communication via Windows firewall is allowed during installation. (It is not registered if the firewall service is stopped.)
If the network environment of this software is changed from a domain to a workgroup environment or from a workgroup to a domain environment, or if the firewall service is started, it is necessary to manually register this software as an application for which communication via Windows firewall is allowed.
Display [Allow an app through firewall] from [Settings] in Windows.
The [Allowed apps] window is displayed.
Click [Change settings].
Click [Allow another app].
The [Add an app] dialog box is displayed.
Click [Browse], and select the file installed in the computer.
Click [Network types].
The [Choose Network Types] dialog box is displayed.
Select [Private] and [Public], and click [OK].
Click [Add].
The [Allowed apps] window is displayed again.
Click [OK].
When the IP Address/FQDN of the Computer Is Changed
When the IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name) has been changed, perform the following operation.
Stop the services of this software.
Open [Windows Administrative Tools] > [Services] from the Start menu.
Stop the following services.
Canon Data Collection Agent
Change the site address in the configuration file of this software.
Open the following file in a text editor.
Edit the following key values. Specify the IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
<add key="SiteAddress" value="<IP address or FQDN>" />
It is recommended that you specify the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) if the IP address may change. |
Start the service of this software.
When Changing the Port Number
You can change the port numbers used by this software as required.
For information on the ports that can be changed and the use of each port, see the following.
Stop the services of this software.
Open [Windows Administrative Tools] > [Services] from the Start menu.
Stop the services of this software.
Canon Data Collection Agent
Open the following file in a text editor.
Edit the port number section, and save the file.
Start the service of this software.