Collecting Log Files for a Query

When making a query to your local authorized Canon dealer, you may be required to collect the log files of this software. Follow the procedure below to collect the log files using the Information Collection tool.
The size of the log file may be large, depending on the operation status. Execute the Information Collection tool after confirming that the computer has sufficient space.

Collecting the Log Files of This Software and the Computer Environment

You can use the Information Collection tool to collect the log files of this software and the computer environment.
Log on to the computer where this software is running as a user with Administrator privileges.
Start the Information Collection tool with administrator privileges.
Double-click the file indicated below.
Specify the destination to save the log files.
Enter the path to the folder in [Path] or click [Select] and select the folder.
Click [Start].
Collection of the log files starts.
The collected log files are compressed into a single ZIP file and saved in the specified folder.

Collected Information

The structure of the log file and the included information are indicated below.
environment.txt: Computer information
Operation system name and version
Total memory capacity
CPU name and number of cores
Total capacity and free space of each volume
.NET Framework version
List of services running
List of Windows Updates applied
cdca.txt: Information on this software
Path to the services of this software
[Log] folder: Log information
cdca_eventlog.evtx: Event log information
LocaleMetaData: Information required for correctly displaying the saved event log on another computer