[Print Quality]


[Image Refinement]

[On]*, [Off]

This setting smooths the jagged outlines of characters and graphics.
If [On] is selected, smoothing is performed before printing.
If [Off] is selected, jobs are printed without being smoothed.
The function is not available if 'Resolution' is set to [1200 dpi].
The results of image refinement may be different depending on the types of characters and graphics you want to print.


-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*

This mode is not available if you set [Toner Save] to [On].
This setting adjusts the print density.
Pressing [Dark] makes the print image darker, pressing [Light] makes the image lighter.

[Density (Fine Adjust)]

-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*
-8 to +8; 0*

This mode is not available if you set [Toner Save] to [On].
This setting adjusts the print density of the respective colors.
Pressing [Dark] makes the print image darker, pressing [Light] makes the image lighter.

[Toner Save]

[On], [Off]*

This setting enables you to set the Toner Save mode. Toner Save uses less toner to print documents and may result in longer toner life.
Depending on the data to be printed, the Toner Save mode may not be applied even if you select [On].
If you select [On] for [Toner Save], very light or finely detailed images may not be printed clearly.

[Line Refinement]

[On], [Off]*

This setting enables clearer printing of fine lines and small characters, or when you want to print characters and lines thicker.

[Horizontal Line Refinement]

[Off]*, [Level 1], [Level 2], [Level 3], and [Level 4]

This setting adjusts the thickness of horizontal lines to express fine lines and small characters more clearly. The higher the level number, the thicker the horizontal lines printed.
This setting is also available when 'Line Refinement' is set to [On] in the printer driver.
With this setting, horizontal lines are based on the direction in which the paper is fed.

[Vertical Line Refinement]

[Off], [Level 1]*, [Level 2], [Level 3], and [Level 4]

This setting adjusts the thickness of vertical lines to express fine lines and small characters more clearly.
The higher the level number, the thicker the vertical lines printed.
This setting is also available when 'Line Refinement' is set to [On] in the printer driver.
With this setting, vertical lines are based on the direction in which the paper is fed.


[1200 dpi], [600 dpi]*

This setting specifies the resolution for printing.
Resolution is expressed in units of dpi (dots per inch), indicating the number of dots in one inch. The higher the value, the greater the resolution, allowing finer expression of detail.

[1200 dpi]

The outline of characters and diagrams can be finely printed. This is suited to printing data containing fine lines and small characters.

[600 dpi]

You can perform printing suited to general documents and tables.
If you select [1200 dpi] for [Resolution], you cannot specify the following settings: rotate collate, different paper sizes (LTR/LGL), and double stapling on the short edge of A4 and LTR size paper.
When printing on large scale paper, set [Resolution] to [600 dpi]. If you select [1200 dpi], there will not be enough memory necessary to process printing and printing will not be possible.