Printing Held Documents Automatically When Logging In

If the auto print function is enabled, you can set the machine to print your own held documents automatically when you log in to the machine.
The auto print function is available by enabling <Enable Auto Print Function When Logging In>. <Enable Auto Print Function When Logging In>
The auto print function is set for each login user.
Log in to the machine. Logging into the Machine
Press <Personal Settings>. <Home> Screen
Press <Auto Print User Jobs When Logging In>.
The <Auto Print User Jobs When Logging In> screen is displayed.
Press <On>  <OK>.
Press <Close>.
The auto print function will be enabled the next time you log in.
When a user logs in, only the documents belonging to the login user are printed automatically. The following documents that need a PIN or a password when printing are not printed automatically.
Secured print documents
When <Require PIN for Printing/Displaying User Jobs> is set to <On> under <PIN Settings for Secure Print Jobs> <PIN Settings for Secure Print Jobs>
Encrypted secured print documents
When multiple documents are held for a single user, the documents are printed in the displayed order on the print screen. Print Screen
Up to 100 documents are printed at a single occasion of a user login.