Configuring Regions

In large-scale operation environments that span multiple regions, you can set regions to separate the device administrators.
Administrators assigned a region can only manage the devices in their region. This enables the workload of device management to be distributed.

Precautions for Region-Based Operation

This section describes precautions when operating this software in multiple regions.
The devices managed with this software are in one of the following states.
Belonging to one region
Not belonging to any region
For information on assigning regions to devices, see the following.
Device groups
Device groups are in one of the following states.
Assigned one or more regions
Can include devices with the same region as the device group
Not assigned a region
Can include all devices
For information on assigning regions to device groups, see the following.
Tasks are in one of the following states.
Assigned one or more regions
Can include device groups and devices with the same region
Not assigned a region
Can include all device groups and devices
For information on assigning regions to tasks, see the following.
Users are in one of the following states.
Assigned one or more regions
Can create/operate tasks with the same region
Not assigned a region
Can create/operate all tasks
A region cannot be assigned to a user with the system administrator role.
A user with the system administrator role sets the region of the device administrators or users with a user role. For details, see the following.
Regarding the [Task History] Page
The [Task History] page displays all tasks, regardless of the user that is logged in. The following operations cannot be performed for tasks of regions not assigned to the user that is logged in.
Displaying the [Task Result Details] page
Task operations (cancellation or recovery, etc.)
Combinations of address lists and printers
Users with a region assigned can only delete and edit [Sets (Address Lists + Printers)] combined with devices in the same region.
Users with a region assigned can only delete address lists included in [Sets (Address Lists + Printers)] combined with devices in the same region.

Creating Regions

You can create regions for each site where device administrators are located.
Configuring these settings enables you to use the functions of this software related to regions.
Select the [System] menu > [Regions].
On the [Regions] page, click [Create].
On the [Create Region] page, set the devices to manage.
Region settings
Enter a name indicating the region.
[Device IPv4 Addresses]
Enter the range of IPv4 addresses for the devices managed by the region. Enter individual IPv4 addresses, ranges of IPv4 addresses as a start address and end address separated with a hyphen, or IPv4 addresses and their mask length separated by a slash (the CIDR format).
IPv4 address managed with another region cannot be specified.
[FQDN for Devices (Do Not Include Device Name)]
Enter the ends-with condition for the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the devices managed by the region.
To discover devices with the domain name set to '', include the dot at the start of the domain name, as indicated below.
If a range of IPv4 addresses is specified for a region and an FQDN is specified for another region, a device may be included in the target devices of both Agents. In this case, the IPv4 address condition is prioritized.
Click [Create].