Color Manager
Color Manager is an application that manages the ICC profiles of devices.
Major Functions
You can display a list of the ICC profiles installed in a device.
You can delete ICC profiles from a device.
You can install ICC profiles to a device.
You can back up the ICC profiles installed in a device.
You can display the information of ICC profiles on a client computer.
The ICC profiles installed in a device by default cannot be managed with this software. |
Commands for Managing ICC Profiles
Specify the commands of this software in the following format.
color-manager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [args]
Specify the following options.
'--user', '-u': Specify the administrator for accessing the device.
'--password', '-p': Specify the password for accessing the device.
Options can be specified in both the word or letter format.
Word format: Specify the word after '--', like '--username'.
Letter format: Specify the word after '-', like '-u'.
Some options specify a value and some do not.
Specify options that specify a value in the following format.
Connect the option and the value with '=', like '--username=Administrator'. Do not enter a space before and after '='.
Separate the option and the value with a space, like '--username Administrator'.
The above example uses an option in the word format, but the same applies for an option in the letter format.
The following commands can be used.
list: Displays a list of the ICC profiles installed in a device.
For more information, see the following.
delete: Deletes the specified ICC profiles from a device.
For more information, see the following.
install: Installs the specified ICC profiles to a device.
For more information, see the following.
backup: You can back up the ICC profiles in a device.
For more information, see the following.
info: You can display the information of ICC profiles on a client computer.
For more information, see the following.
Arguments may be required, depending on the command. See the description for each command.
For a command that requires a device to be specified, specify the IP address or host name of the device.
Device addresses can also be specified in a text file.
Specifying Device Addresses in a Text File
To execute a process for multiple devices at once, specify the addresses of the devices in a text file.
Specify the device addresses (IP address or host name) on each line of a text file.
Specify the text file using the '--file' or '-f' option.
color-manager -u Administrator -p secret list -f hosts.txt
When the same device is specified multiple times, the process is repeatedly executed for that device. Only the list command can specify the devices in a text file and the command line at the same time. |
Displaying a List of the ICC Profiles Installed in a Device.
You can display a list of the ICC profiles installed in a device together with other information.
Execute the following command.
color-manager [OPTIONS] list <device addresses>
Example command
color-manager list -u Administrator -p secret
Example output
Name = Adobe RGB (1998)
Manufacturer = none
Copyright = Copyright 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Version = 4.0
Class = DisplayDevice
ColorSpace = RGB
Filename = AdobeRGBV400.icc
Usage = Source
Name = Custom_CMYK1
Manufacturer = CANO
Copyright = Copyright CANON INC. 2002 All Rights Reserved.
Version = 2.2
Class = OutputDevice
ColorSpace = CMYK
Filename = Custom_CMYK1.icc
Usage = Source
Multiple device addresses can be specified for the list command. Device addresses can be specified in a file and the command line at the same time. |
Deleting ICC Profiles from a Device
You can delete the specified ICC profiles from a device.
Execute the following command.
color-manager [OPTIONS] delete <device addresses> <list of profile file names>
Specify the '--interactive' or '-i' option to interactively specify the ICC profiles to delete.
When the interactive mode is not used, file names of ICC profiles can be specified in the arguments.
When the file name of an ICC profile includes spaces, the ICC profile name must be enclosed in single quotation marks ("). |
Example command
color-manager -u Administrator -p secret delete Custom_CMYK1.icc "AdobeRGBV400.icc"
Example command (interactive mode)
color-manager -u Administrator -p secret delete -i
Example output (interactive mode)
Delete color resources from
1: Adobe RGB (1998)(AdobeRGBV400.icc)
2: Custom_CMYK1(Custom_CMYK1.icc)
Select color resource to delete, or [Enter] to exit:
Specify the number of the ICC profile to delete.
Installing ICC Profiles to a Device
You can install the specified ICC profiles to a device.
Execute the following command.
color-manager [OPTIONS] install <device addresses> <list of color profile files>
When the '--overwrite' or '-o' option is specified, if an ICC profile with the same name is already installed, that ICC profile is overwritten. When the overwrite option is not specified, if an ICC profile with the same name is already installed, that ICC profile is not overwritten.
Specify the '--usage' or '-s' option to specify the intended use of the ICC profiles to install. Specify 'source', 'destination', 'devicelink' or 'spotcolor' as the intended use.
Specify the ICC profiles using their file names. Multiple ICC profiles can be specified. You can also use wildcards to specify multiple ICC profiles at the same time. The wildcard rules are the same as for cmd.exe in Windows. Even when the overwrite option is specified, if the intended use of the ICC profile in the device differs from the intended use specified in the command, that ICC profile is not installed. |
Example command
color-manager install -u Administrator -p secret -s source icc-profiles\*.icc
Example output
The installation results are displayed for each specified ICC profile.
Install color resources on
The file 'Adobe RGB (1998)' (AdobeRGBV400.icc) has been successfully installed.
The file 'Custom_CMYK1' (Custom_CMYK1.icc) has been successfully installed.
The file 'DevLink_CMYK_Custom' (DevLink_CMYK_Custom.icc) has been successfully installed.
The file 'DIC Color by Download Check' (DIC_2005_0809.icc) has been successfully installed.
The file 'E307TestProfile_Output' (Test_Output.icc) has been successfully installed.
This software will not install an ICC profile in the following cases. When the device does not support the intended use specified in the command line When the device does not support the color space of the specified ICC profile The color spaces supported by devices are XYZ, Lab, RGB, and CMYK. When the device does not support the class of the specified ICC profile The classes supported by devices are InputDevice, DisplayDevice, OutputDevice, DeviceLink, ColorSpace, Abstract, NemedColor. |
Backing Up the ICC Profiles of Devices
You can retrieve the ICC profiles installed in a device and save them to a file.
Execute the following command.
color-manager [OPTIONS] backup <device addresses>
Specify the '--directory' or '-d' option to specify the destination directory. If the specified directory does not exist, it is created. The current directory is specified by default.
The retrieved ICC profiles are saved to a sub directory with the same name as the host name in the destination directory. The file name is the internal file name of the device. If a file with the same name already exists, it is overwritten. |
Example command
color-manager -u Administrator -p secret backup -d bkup
Example output
> color-manager backup -u Administrator -p secret bkup
Color resource data ‘Adobe RGB (1998)’ has been saved to ‘bkup\\AdobeRGBV400.icc’
Displaying the Information of ICC Profiles on a Computer
You can display the following information of ICC profiles on a computer.
Color space
Execute the following command.
color-manager info <list of color profile files>
The device address does not need to be specified. |
Example command
color-manager info icc-profiles\*.icc
Example output
ICC profile information of 'icc_profiles\Probev2_ICCv4.icc'.
Name = Probev2_ICCv4.icc
Manufacturer =
Copyright = Onyx Graphics, 2007.
Versoin =
Class = OutputDevice
ColorSpace = CMYK
ICC profile information of 'icc_profiles\SixChanCameraRef.icc'.
Name = Six Channel Abridged Reflectance Encoder/Decoder
Manufacturer =
Copyright = Copyright 2015 International Color Consortium
Versoin =
Class = InputDevice
ColorSpace = _6_Colour