Document number: 4F2C-053
Update date: 2022-01-01
Canon - Troubleshooting (FAQ) > Problems with Wireless LAN Connection > SSID of Wireless Router or Access Point to Use Is Not Displayed in Access Point List

SSID of Wireless Router or Access Point to Use Is Not Displayed in Access Point List

A possible cause may be that the SSID of the wireless router or access point to use is not correct or not publicized. Check the following.

Is the SSID correct?

Check whether the wireless router or access point SSID you wrote down is correct.

Is the machine correctly connected to the network?

Check the network connection. If the problem persists even after checking that the network connection is correct, check the security settings of the wireless router or access point. If necessary, reconfigure the settings. When the Machine Cannot Connect to the Wireless LAN

Have you checked the settings of the wireless router or access point?

When the stealth mode*1 or ANY connection refusal*2 is activated, it is possible that the SSID is not displayed. Configure the wireless LAN connection settings with manual entry.
*1A function that disables auto-detection of the wireless router or access point SSID on other devices.
*2A function in which the wireless router or access point refuses the connection if the SSID on the device to be connected is set to "ANY" or is blank.
Check that no channels other than Ch.1 to Ch.13 are set. When multiple wireless routers or access points are used, prevent radio frequency interference by setting far separated channels like "router A: Ch.1, router B: Ch.6, router C: Ch.11."
On how to check or configure channel settings, see the instruction manuals for the wireless routers or access points, or contact the manufacturer.