Specifying Associations of PDF Documents with Programs

You can specify whether PDF documents are opened by launching Annotation Editor or by launching another application that supports PDF documents when you open PDF documents from Desktop Browser.
The application that is launched when a PDF document is opened from a Windows Folder is specified in Windows.
Select the [Settings] menu > [System Settings] from the Desktop Browser screen.
The [System Settings] dialog box is displayed.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Edit/Operation Documents] > [Select Program for Opening PDF Document]
Select [Prioritize Annotation Editor], or [Prioritize applications].
If [Prioritize Annotation Editor] is selected and the PDF is being handled in Desktop Browser, the following actions become available.
Annotation Editor starts when opening a PDF document
Annotation Editor opens and the document is printed
Annotation Editor opens and a fax is sent
The following settings are required in order to start up Annotation Editor when a document is printed/faxed using an output icon.
Deselect the [Use print settings of template when printing] check box in the [Printer Settings] dialog box.
Deselect the [Combine selected documents into one document with Document Binder to send fax] check box in the [Fax Settings] dialog box.
For details on the various settings, see the following.
Click [OK].