Printing While Changing Pages on a Chapter Basis

[Print Next Chapter] in Document Binder enables you to use a different type of paper for each chapter, or insert a page break at the first page of the chapter.
Binder documents created by binding multiple documents into one have chapters generated for each individual original document. Therefore, if you use a different type of paper for each chapter, you can easily distinguish one chapter from another. Also, when page layout has been set, a white page is automatically inserted if you print with a page change at the chapter separation. This is useful because the first page of each chapter is printed at a fixed position.
The chapter separation settings will also be reflected in the Preview Pane, printing, fax, and when exporting to a PDF document.
The configured printing method is saved together with the binder document as its layout setting information.
In addition, refer to the following as necessary.
From [Layout Settings] in the [Print Settings] tab of the Print Settings Pane, click [Print Next Chapter] and select [From Next Page] or [From New Sheet of Paper].
The preview area is updated according to your selection.
When [Booklet Printing] is configured, you cannot use [From New Sheet of Paper].
When [1-Sided Printing] is configured, you cannot use [From Next Page].
When the [Use print settings of Document Binder] check box is deselected, you cannot use [From New Sheet of Paper].