Cautions and Restrictions

This section describes cautions to take when using Annotation Editor.
Adding/Editing Figures and Text
Using Stamps/Digital Stamps
Other Cautions and Restrictions


When you use the thumbnail view of the file list view pane to display the documents for which you have added annotations, the display shows annotation marks in the top left positions of the thumbnails. However, annotation marks are not displayed when the library is registered on a network drive.
You cannot select multiple documents at one time to start Annotation Editor.
When you finish editing a binder/PDF document that you have checked out from a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library, operations in accordance with the system settings must be performed.
If you have not selected the [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents] check box, you need to manually check in and check out documents.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Shared Document Management] > [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents]
When you check in a document in a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library for which [Create Version] is enabled, the [Enter Version Comments] dialog box is displayed. However, in the following cases, no operation is necessary because check in is performed without displaying the [Enter Version Comments] dialog box.
When the [Settings] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Shared Document Management] > [Enter version comments when checking in documents] check box is not selected
When the [Do not show this dialog box again when checking in documents] check box is selected in the [Enter Version Comments] dialog box
Depending on the network connection conditions, it may take some time until the bitmap stamp list is displayed after pressing the split button for bitmap stamps in the Object Palette Pane.
When saving an item in an Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library for which [Require Check Out] is enabled, check in if necessary.
When using [Custom Paper Size], [Custom Paper Size] must be registered in the printer selected in [Printer Name] in advance.
If you perform the following operation, you can undo or redo the last 7 operations. However, when you perform the save operation, operations performed before saving cannot be undone or redone.
Click  (Undo)/ (Redo) on the Toolbar.
Select the [Edit] menu > [Undo]/[Redo].
If variable fields are set in a binder document, variable fields cannot be edited in Annotation Editor. In addition, these variable field's frames are not displayed.
You cannot group annotations if an annotation that cannot be grouped is selected. The following annotations cannot be grouped:
Text notes
Unsigned Digital stamps
Signed digital stamps
Unknown annotations
You cannot select grouped annotations from the annotation list.
When [Use a custom paper size] is selected and the device does not support custom paper sizes, the size that is closest to the custom size is selected from those the device can use.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Common Settings] > [Select Paper Size] > [Use a custom paper size]
When [Use a paper size similar to the original size] is selected, a paper size that the device can use is selected if the selected paper size is not supported by the device.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Common Settings] > [Select Paper Size] > [Use a paper size similar to the original size]

Adding/Editing Figures and Text

If you perform the following operation, you can undo or redo the last 7 operations. However, when you perform the save operation, operations performed before saving cannot be undone or redone.
Click  (Undo)/ (Redo) on the Toolbar.
Select the [Edit] menu > [Undo]/[Redo].
Select an annotation, drag it while holding down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard and drop it in a desired position to copy the annotation in the position.
When the position of an annotation is changed in the Work Pane or when the page is rotated, annotations in the [Annotation List] tab are sorted according to which is closest to the top left of the page (from the top left to the top right, then from the bottom left to the bottom right).
If there is no text entered into the text note, is not displayed.
Text notes are not printed.
When you select an annotation in the [Annotation List] tab, annotations selected in the work pane are deselected.
When you select a page object, strings are deselected.

Using Stamps/Digital Stamps

You cannot delete the following stamps/stamped images that are automatically registered during installation.
Text Stamps
Bitmap Stamps
Stamped images
You cannot edit (copying, cutting, pasting, deleting, resizing, changing the contents and the overlapping order) the attached digital stamps.
If you have not selected the [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents], you need to manually check in and check out documents.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Document Management] > [Document Operations] > [Check in automatically after exiting the application that is editing documents]
You cannot change the stamp area size of text stamps and date stamps. However, when you change the font size, the stamp area automatically changes.
You cannot move annotations outside of the displayed page area.
In the following cases, part of the annotation will protrude outside the area of the page and not be displayed. When you move or copy an annotation with this type of hidden part, the hidden part may become displayed in the page area.
If a displayed annotation is divided when a page is divided in Document Binder
When an annotation larger than the area of the page is pasted in Annotation Editor
When you open a document with Annotation Editor and copy or cut an annotation that was already inserted in that document, it cannot be pasted after closing the document.

Other Cautions and Restrictions


When you delete a font from the system after launching Annotation Editor or Object Layout Editor, if you draw text using the font, a message box is displayed and the application may be forcibly exited.
When you select 144 or more page objects in Annotation Editor, the selection positions may deviate from their original positions.
The minimum size of an annotation or digital stamp that can be added in Annotation Editor is 16 x 16 pixels for 100% display and 32 x 32 pixels for 200% display.
When printing binder/PDF documents created with Desktop version 2.01 or earlier, some combinations of fonts may not work well and the following problems may occur. In this case, select other fonts.
When a document annotated by Annotation Editor is imported to Document Binder and printed (or exported to a PDF document), a message is displayed to indicate that the document contains a unprintable character and ask if you want to continue. If you continue, these characters will not be printed.
A printing result of annotation text differs from its preview when a document annotated by Annotation Editor is imported to Document Binder and printed (or exported to a PDF document).
Some fonts installed in the system cannot be selected in the Object Palette Pane of Annotation Editor.
When a page that contains both a digital stamp added by Annotation Editor and an annotation added to a PDF document by an external application is divided, the annotations not displayed in the Document Binder screen after the division are also printed/saved during printing and exporting to a PDF document.

Cautions Handling Data from Version 2 or Earlier of Desktop

Desktop Annotations created with version 3.0.0 or later are in a PDF compatible format. Since annotations created with versions 2.0.1 or earlier of Desktop use an original Desktop format, they are not displayed or printed in applications other than Desktop, but they are replaced with a PDF compatible format when saved with Desktop V3.0.0.
For binder/PDF documents created with Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier, all of their annotations are converted into PDF annotations. This enables Desktop annotations to be viewed with other PDF viewing software such as Adobe Acrobat. Also when printing, all of the Desktop annotations are printed after being converted to the PDF format.
When binder documents or PDF documents created with version 2.0.1 or earlier of Desktop are opened with Annotation Editor, all their annotations are converted into Desktop V3.0.0 format. The annotations inserted into converted and saved binder documents or PDF documents can no longer be edited in Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier.
If exporting a PDF document with one of the following annotations with Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier, opening Annotation Editor and editing these annotations causes line breaks to be deleted. Line breaks added after exporting are saved.
Text Box

Cautions when Handling PDF Files Edited with Annotation Editor in Desktop V2 or Earlier

If you open an annotated PDF document that has been saved/exported in Annotation Editor in Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier, annotations are displayed and you can print. However, you cannot edit the document.

Cautions when Editing PDF Files Edited with Annotation Editor in Acrobat

When you insert an annotation to a PDF document with Reader Extensions using Annotation Editor, the PDF document is treated as a regular document in Adobe Reader 9.3 and the Reader Extensions functions cannot be used.

Cautions when Editing PDF Files Edited with Software Other Than Annotation Editor

A PDF document that is certified through the signature can be opened in the certified document mode. In this case, the document cannot be edited, printed, or saved.
Selecting a PDF package or PDF portfolio displays only a cover page.
You cannot launch Annotation Editor by selecting a PDF document with the unsupported security settings, such as a PDF with security policies.
With text boxes added with software other than Annotation Editor, if all strings use the same font size, that font size is displayed. If they do not use the same font size, the font size is left blank. If a font size that exceeds the limit is set, that font size is displayed. However, you cannot set a font size that exceeds the limit when changing the font size.
With text boxes added with software other than Annotation Editor, if all strings use the same style and user defined color, that style and user defined color are displayed. If they do not use the same style, the style is disabled, and if they do not use user defined colors, it is left blank.
If the following annotations are added with software other than Annotation Editor, the line thickness displayed during selection is the same as the set size even if that size exceeds the limit.
Text Box
Leading lines (Comment)
However, you cannot set a font size that exceeds the limit when changing the font size.
With lines of type [Other] added with software other than Annotation Editor, a message indicating that some properties will be changed is displayed when the following changes are made.
[Line Color]
[Begin Style]
[End Style]
Also, when [Begin Style] or [End Style] is [Other], a message indicating that some properties will be changed is displayed when the following changes are made.
[Line Style]
[Line Weight]
[Line Color]
[Begin Style]
[End Style]
With lines or leading lines (Comment) added with software other than Annotation Editor, the line is a solid line both when being changed and after deciding the size. The beginning and ending styles are also updated. If the [Begin Style] or [End Style] is [Other], arrows are not displayed while changing the size and after deciding the size.
With rectangles or ovals of line type [Other] added with software other than Annotation Editor, a message indicating that some properties will be changed is displayed when the following changes are made.
[Line Weight]
[Line Color]
With rectangles or ovals of line type [Other] added with software other than Annotation Editor, the line is a solid line when being changed and a solid line after deciding the size.
If you edit text, text boxes, or leading lines (Comment) added with software other than Annotation Editor, a message indicating that some properties will be changed is displayed when editing, and the properties of each item's starting character is applied to all of that item's text. Any text properties not retained by Annotation Editor are discarded.
With leading lines (Comment) added with software other than Annotation Editor, if all strings in the text note use the same font size, that font size is displayed. If they do not use the same font size, the font size is left blank. If a font size that exceeds the limit is set, that font size is displayed. However, you cannot set a font size that exceeds the limit when changing the font size.
If you edit a text note added with software other than Annotation Editor, a message indicating that some properties will be changed is displayed when editing and the properties of the text at the start are applied to all the text. Or any text properties not retained by Annotation Editor are discarded. Properties are displayed in the Object Palette Pane when an associated page object is selected.