When opening a binder document in which information for connecting to a database is stored, opening Variable Editor causes the database to be automatically connected to and the variable data to be updated.
If the connection to the database is severed, data is not displayed until the connection is reestablished.
A single Variable Editor screen enables you to edit only a single binder document.
If you want to only create the layout and import the database later, select [Set fields and edit layout] and click [OK]. The Variable Editor screen is displayed.
The files that can be used as [Database Path] are as follows:
txt (.txt)
csv (.csv)
Excel (.xls/.xlsx/.xlsb/.xlsm)
When setting an Excel file with multiple sheets as a connection destination, you can select a sheet to use as a database in [Database Table].
The changes in Variable Editor are saved by clicking [Yes] in the dialog box displayed when closingVariable Editor.
The changes are overwritten as temporary data. They are not incorporated into a document for editing until you return to Document Binder and save them.