Drag Source
Moved/Duplicated Item
Drop Destination
Within the Same Document
Different Document
Print Mode
Annotation Mode
Print Mode
Annotation Mode
[Page Tree] tab
Work Window
[Thumbnails] tab
[Page Tree] tab
Work Window
[Thumbnails] tab
Work Window
[Page Tree] tab
Yes (no caret) *1
Yes *2*3
Yes (no caret) *4
Yes (no caret) *1
Yes *2*3
Yes (no caret) *4
If the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window is not displayed, see the following.
For information on how to select a chapter, see the following.
You can undo or redo the last operation by selecting the [Undo]/[Redo] tool button.
If a mail merge field is set in the page of a moved/copied chapter, that mail merge field is also moved/copied.
When duplicating a chapter that includes pages with digital stamps attached, the digital signatures of digital stamps become invalid.
If the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window is not displayed, see the following.
For information on how to select a chapter, see the following.
The [Page Tree] of another document to which chapters are moved/duplicated to is displayed on the [Page Tree] tab on the Navigation Window.
You can also move/duplicate the selected chapters to the [Thumbnails] tab on the Navigation Window displayed in the Annotations Mode for another document. However when doing this, all pages contained in the selected chapters are added to the [Thumbnails] tab on the Navigation Window not on a chapter basis, but on a page basis.
You can undo or redo the last operation by selecting the [Undo]/[Redo] tool button.
If you use [Undo] in the source document, the moved chapter is restored, but the chapter remains in the destination document.
When using [Undo] in the document that you duplicated a chapter from, the chapter remains in the destination document.
If you drag and drop a chapter to the Work Window in the Print Mode, it is added to the end of the document.
If a mail merge field is set in a page of a moved/copied chapter, that mail merge field is deleted when moving/copying.
When moving/duplicating a chapter that includes pages with digital stamps attached, the digital signatures of digital stamps become invalid.