Setting Your Personal Folder as the Destination

A personal folder can be set for each authenticated user. You can specify your own folder as the destination.
A personal folder is enabled only if you are managing users by login service, such as User Authentication.
For information on how to specify a personal folder, see "Specifying Personal Folders."

Press [Scan and Send] → [Personal Folder].

If you are using a login service, it is necessary to log in to the machine with the appropriate procedure for the login service. To use User Authentication as the login service, see "Logging In to the Machine Using the Control Panel."
If the screen for registering a personal folder is displayed after pressing [Personal Folder], you need to specify each item on the screen. For more information on each setting item, see "Specifying a File Server Using the Keyboard."
To verify/change the path of the personal folder or the authentication information, press  on the top right of the screen → [Register/Edit Info. for Each User] → [Personal Folder]
A user with the required privileges can limit general users so that they may only use [Personal Folder] when sending files. (See "Restricting Destination for File Transmission" and "Setting Administrators.")