When personal authentication management is used, you can restrict users from performing operations on the jobs of other users on the <Status Monitor/Cancel> screen. <Restrict Access to Other User Jobs>
Pressing <Details> <Resend> enables you to resend the documents that failed to send. To specify another destination, press <Change Destination>. For documents with multiple destinations specified using the same sending method, press <Broadcast List>, select a destination, and then press <Resend> or <Change Destination>.
You can resend documents when <Delete Failed TX Jobs> is set to <Off> (<Delete Failed TX Jobs>). Note that you cannot resend the documents sent with Direct Send/Manual Sending/PC fax.
You can change the destinations of documents that are set to be sent at a specified time as well as documents that failed to send. Note that you cannot change the destinations for documents with multiple destinations specified that are being sent, or when entering a new destination is restricted (Limiting Available Destinations).
The destination can be changed for a job that is canceled because of transmission errors, or a job that is waiting to be sent in the Delayed Send mode.
You cannot change multiple destinations at one time. Also, you cannot change the destinations in a group at one time.
To use <Check I-Fax RX>, set <POP> to <On> in <Communication Settings> to enable the machine to receive via POP. Setting E-mail/I-Fax Communication
You can automatically receive I-faxes in the following cases: Setting E-mail/I-Fax Communication
<POP Interval> in <Communication Settings> is set to a value other than '0'.
I-faxes are received with SMTP without going via a server.
Registering an address from the send historyYou can register an address to the Address Book or a one-touch button via the send history on the <Status Monitor/Cancel> screen. This saves you the effort of directly entering the fax number, and also helps avoid sending a fax to an incorrect number due to entering the wrong fax number.