For information on how to set [Retrieve fax number when sending fax from properties of document], see the following.
For information on how to edit document properties, see the following.
For other ways to set destinations, see the following.
In order to prevent sending mistakes, check that the destination address is correct when the destination address is acquired from the document properties.
When multiple documents with different fax numbers set are selected for sending via fax, the fax number for each selected document is displayed in [Destination Address].
When you select an address added to [Destination Address] and click [Edit], the [Edit New Destination Addresses] dialog box opens. You can edit the address in the dialog box.
When you select an address added to [Destination Address] and click [Delete], the selected address is deleted.
You can click item names in the [Address List] and [Destination Address] lists to sort the items in ascending or descending order.
If the fax driver to use supports something other than G3/G4, the fax number is displayed in [Destination Name], and [Fax Type] and [Communication Mode] become blank. After selecting the address in [Destination Address], click [Edit] to correct it.