Batch Converting Annotations Created with a Previous Version of Desktop to an Adobe Acrobat Compatible Format

You can convert annotations created using Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier so that they can be displayed, printed, and edited with this version of Desktop or PDF viewing software such as Adobe Reader.
Annotations created using Desktop V2.0.1 or earlier cannot be displayed, printed, or edited because they are in an original Desktop format, but they can be converted to annotations in a format compatible with Adobe Acrobat by following this procedure, which enables them to be displayed, printed, and edited.
Annotations created with V3.0.0 or later of Desktop can be displayed, printed, and edited without conversion because they are in a format compatible with Adobe Acrobat.
PDF documents (*.pdf) and IWB documents (*.iwb) can be converted.
When a document is converted, it is overwritten with the converted document.
Annotations can be converted by library or folder.
Annotations can also be converted by directly starting Annotation Convert Tool. For more information, see the following.
On the Navigation Window or File List View Window, select the library or folder in which the documents whose annotations you want to convert are registered.
Click  (Convert to PDF Format Annotations) on the ribbon.
Or, select [Convert to PDF Format Annotations] on the ribbon.
Annotation Convert Tool starts and the [Annotation Convert Tool] dialog box is displayed. For information on the rest of the procedure, see the following.
If commands are not displayed on the ribbon of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons on the toolbar. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.