Functions Common to All Tabs (Settings)

Click one of the following links to jump to the description.

See Functions Common to All Tabs (What You Can Do)

Descriptions of Settings

Selecting a profile applies the registered settings. This is useful for saving frequently used settings.
Printing With Profiles
Enables you to register the current settings as a profile. You can set the name etc. in the [Add Profile] Dialog Box.
Adding Profiles
Enables you to edit, import, and export profiles in the [Edit Profile] Dialog Box.
Editing the Profile List
[Output Method]
Enables you to select the method for outputting print data.
Performs normal printing.
[Secure Print Function]
Attaches a PIN to the print data and stores it in the printer. This function is useful when printing confidential documents etc. You can set the user name and PIN by clicking [Details].
Secured Printing
Stores the print data in a box in the printer. You can set the storage destination by clicking [Details] ([Store Details] Dialog Box).
Saving Print Data
[Edit and Preview]
Combines multiple files into one when printing. You can also view a print preview and change the print settings. If you select [Lock], [Output Method] is locked in [Edit and Preview] mode. This function is useful for restricting the output methods of clients in a shared printer environment.
Combining Multiple Files
[Lock] can only be set when the printer driver screen is displayed from the Start menu (see Changing the Default Settings).
[View Settings]
Enables you to check the current settings in a list.
[Language Settings]
Enables you to set the display language.