Starting and Exiting Document Monitor

You can use Document Monitor to manage and transfer documents.
Starting the Document Monitor
Exiting Document Monitor
Setting Not to Start When a Computer Starts

Starting the Document Monitor

Follow the steps below to start Document Monitor.
When Document Monitor is started by selecting [Run as administrator] in Windows, the Document Monitor operations are not guaranteed.
If you start Desktop Browser, Document Monitor is also started.
The default settings of Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10 restrict icons displayed in the Taskbar notification area. See the following to display the Document Monitor icons in the Taskbar notification area.
Start the computer.
When the computer is started, Document Monitor is automatically started, and (Main) is displayed in the Taskbar.
If (Main) is already displayed on the Taskbar, it does not need to be launched again.
To make Desktop available when the computer starts, select the [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use] check box.
[File] menu > [Option] > [System Settings] > [Common Settings] > [Preferences] > [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use]

Exiting Document Monitor

Follow the steps below to exit Document Monitor.
Right-click (Main) in the Taskbar, and select [Exit].
Document Monitor and Desktop Browser are exited.
If the [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use] check box is deselected and a Hot Folder or My Tray is set, a confirmation message asking whether you want to continue monitoring is displayed.
If you select [Continue], Desktop Browser is exited but monitoring by Document Monitor continues. In this case, the [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use] check box is automatically selected.
If you select [Exit], Document Monitor and Desktop Browser are exited.
[File] menu > [Option] > [System Settings] > [Common Settings] > [Preferences] > [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use]

Setting Not to Start When a Computer Starts

Follow the settings below to not start Document Monitor automatically when the computer starts.
Document Monitor is set to start when a computer starts in the default settings.
Display [System Settings].
For information on displaying [System Settings], see the following.
[Common Settings] > [Preferences] > [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use]
Deselect the [Start iW Desktop at computer startup and set it to run in the background for immediate use] check box.
Click [OK].