Common to the Print Mode/Annotations Mode/Scan Mode

The following ribbon commands and tool buttons can be used in Print Mode, Annotations Mode, and Scan Mode.
For information on how to add commands to the ribbon, see the following.
For details on how to set tool buttons on a toolbar, see the following.
The way commands are displayed differs according to the window size.
The display of some commands may differ from others according to the item selected in the pull-down list.
Sets the device to use for printing/sending faxes.
Sets the number of copies to print.
Prints documents or sends documents via fax using the device set in [Printer].
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click [Print] for the command or ▼ for the tool button.
[Print Selected Pages]
[Display Print Dialog]
When printing a document with Mail Merge fields set, this automatically switches to [Mail Merge Print]. You can select [Mail Merge Print] from the pull-down list displayed when you click [Mail Merge Print] for the command or ▼ for the tool button to perform Mail Merge printing.
If you change [Printer] from a printer to a fax driver, this automatically changes to [Fax]. You can select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed by clicking [Fax] for the command or ▼ for the tool button to send faxes.
[Send Fax]
[Send Selected Pages]
[Display Send Fax Dialog]
[Print Selected Pages]
Prints the selected pages using the printer driver set in [Printer].
If you change the driver to use from a printer driver to a fax driver in [Printer], this automatically changes to [Send Selected Pages], enabling you to send the selected pages via fax.
[Print Dialog]
Displays [Print].
If you change the driver to use from a printer driver to a fax driver in [Printer], this automatically changes to [Send Fax Dialog]. Click it to display [Send Fax].
Overwrites the currently edited document.
Cancels the last operation.
Re-executes an operation that was cancelled by [Undo].
Deletes the selected chapter, page, annotation, or character string inside an annotation.
Cuts the selected chapter, page, annotation, or character string inside an annotation.
Copies the selected chapter, page, annotation, character string inside an annotation, or original text.
Strings in copied annotations and document text can be pasted to other applications.
Pastes the cut or copied chapter, page, annotation, or character string inside an annotation.
[Edit Originals]
Starts the Edit Original Pages Mode.
Starts the Redaction Mode.
Creates a new IWB document.
[Open from Library]
Selects and opens a document in one of the following formats from a Desktop Browser library.
IWB documents (*.iwb)
PDF documents (*.pdf)
imageWARE documents (*.iwd)
[Open from Windows Folders]
Selects and opens a document in one of the following formats from a Windows Folder.
IWB documents (*.iwb)
PDF documents (*.pdf)
imageWARE documents (*.iwd)
[Save As]
Saves the currently edited document in the IWB format (*.iwb) or PDF format (*.pdf) with a new name.
[Import from Library]
Selects and adds a document from a Desktop Browser library to the document open in Desktop Editor.
[Import from Windows Folder]
Selects and adds a document from a Windows Folder to the document open in Desktop Editor.
[Export as PDF]
Saves a document in the PDF format (*.pdf) with the range to export specified.
[Export as Image]
Saves a document in the TIFF format (*.tiff) or JPEG format (*.jpg) with the range to export specified.
[Export in Word Format]
Saves a document in the Word format (*.docx) with the range to export specified.
[Export in Excel Format]
Saves a document in the Excel format (*.xlsx) with the range to export specified.
Prints documents or sends documents via fax using the device set in [Printer].
If you selected a printer in [Printer], [Print] is displayed when you click this.
If you selected a fax driver in [Printer], [Send Fax] is displayed when you click this.
[Online Manual]
Displays the online manual.
[Offline Manual]
Displays the offline manual.
Displays/hides the Navigation Window.
Displays/hides the Details Window.
Cannot be used with the Scan Mode.
[Select All]
Selects all the pages of the document being edited.
In the Annotations Mode, all annotations added to the page displayed in the Work Window can also be selected.
[Page Operations]
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click this.
[Add New Original Page]
[Rotate Original Pages]
[New Page]
Adds a new original page to the document being edited.
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click this to rotate the original pages.
[Left 90 Degrees]
[180 Degrees]
[Right 90 Degrees]
[Left 90 Degrees]
Rotates the selected original page 90 degrees counterclockwise.
[180 Degrees]
Rotates the selected original page 180 degrees.
[Right 90 Degrees]
Rotates the selected original page 90 degrees clockwise.
[Display Annotations]
Displays/hides the annotations added to the document.
[Delete Password]
Removes the password settings from a PDF document.
[Full Screen]
Starts the full screen mode from the first page of the document.
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click ▼ for the command or ▼ for the tool button.
[From First Page]
[From Selected Page]
[From First Page]
Starts the full screen mode from the first page of the document.
[From Selected Page]
Starts the full screen mode from the selected page of the document.
[Bates Numbering] (Group)*1 *2
The following command/tool button is located in the [Bates Numbering] group.
Adds a bates number to the document and converts it to a PDF document.
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click [Add/Delete] for the command or ▼ for the tool button.
[Add Bates Number]
[Delete Bates Number]
Adds a bates number to the document and converts it to a PDF document.
Deletes the bates number added to the document.
Document Destination Folder*3
Copies or moves the document to the specified destination folder after saving the document being edited.
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click [(Document Destination Folder name)] for the command or ▼ for the tool button.
[Execution]: Copies or moves the document to the specified destination folder after saving the document being edited.
[Change]: Displays [Document Destination Folder Settings] and enables you to change the settings of the Document Destination Folder.
[Select Button Color]: Displays [Button Color Settings] and enables you to change the color of the Document Destination Folder command/tool button. The color you select is also reflected in the [Document Destination Folder] output button in Desktop Browser.
[Change Document Index Data] Button*4
Changes the index data of the document to the specified value after saving the document in a Therefore Library that is being edited.
Enables you to select one of the following from the pull-down list displayed when you click [(name of index data)] for the command or ▼ for the tool button.
[Execution]: Changes the index data of the document to the specified value after saving the document in a Therefore Library that is being edited.
[Change]: Displays [Settings for Change Document Index Data] and enables you to change the settings of the [Change Document Index Data] button.
[Select Button Color]: Displays [Button Color Settings] and enables you to change the color of the [Change Document Index Data] button on the ribbon/toolbar. The color you select is also reflected in the [Change Document Index Data] output button in Desktop Browser.
[Document Destination Folder]
Places all Document Destination Folders created with Desktop on the toolbar.
There is no ribbon command button that performs the same operation as this tool button.

*1: Group names cannot be changed. Commands also cannot be added to a group.
*2: Click a tool button to display the group.
*3: When a Document Destination Folder is created, it is displayed in the list on the left side of [Customize the Ribbon] and in [Available Toolbar Buttons] in [Customize the Toolbar].
*4: When a [Change Document Index Data] button is created, it is displayed in the list on the left side of [Customize the Ribbon] and in [Available Toolbar Buttons] in [Customize the Toolbar].